LATROBE, PA—Mr. Robert Markley Jr., instructor of business administration in SVC’s Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics and Government, was recently interviewed by David Strausser, vice president of sales at Stellar One, on his business podcast, “Shark Bite Biz.” Markley spoke on the pros of entering into a career in enterprise resource planning (ERP).<
Those interested can listen to or watch the podcast, released earlier this week, on the following platforms:
Amazon Music:
About Mr. Robert Markley Jr.
Mr. Robert Markley is the Carpenter Technology - Latrobe Specialty Metals Sponsored Lecturer in the McKenna Business School of Saint Vincent College. At Saint Vincent College, Mr. Markley teaches the Management Information Systems and Accounting Information Systems courses and leads the SAP Business One™ certification program.
A native of the Pittsburgh region, Markley has been an entrepreneur with numerous local enterprises and has served as a trusted advisor to local organizations for over 22 years. He has an extensive background in information technology and substantial experience in strategic and management consulting including business process re-engineering, corporate restructuring, supply chain management and customer relationship management.
Mr. Markley earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago and Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Quantitative Business Analysis from the Pennsylvania State University. He resides in Murrysville with his wife and two daughters.
About Shark Bite Biz
Shark Bite Biz is a podcast dedicated to helping businesses achieve growth in the roaring 20's. In a world full of sharks, learn how to bite first! This vodcast focuses on personal, professional, and business growth during the on-going global pandemic. We focus on bringing on some of the top experts and small business owners and allow them to tell their stories about how they broke through barriers preventing growth and got their business to the next level
Podcast cover for episode 228 of “Shark Bite Biz.” Image courtesy of Shark Bite Biz.