In This Section
Saint Vincent College Wellness Center provides outpatient treatment for a wide variety of illnesses and injuries. Students are able to schedule an appointment with a registered nurse, physician or licensed counselor. We are able to provide many over-the counter medications and some prescribed medications, at no cost. All visits to the health center are free. We provide a professional and caring atmosphere for health services, in an effective and timely manner.
We are located on the first floor of the Robert S. Carey Student Center next to the Book Store.
Open 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday (during the academic year)
Call ext. 2115 or 724-805-2115 for an appointment with a nurse, physician or counselor.
In case of emergency call 911
Emergency Contacts:
Saint Vincent Public Safety 724-805-2911
Westmoreland County Crisis Hotline 1-800-836-6010
Blackburn Center - Against Sexual Violence 724-836-1122
Suicide Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
www.ulifeline.org - ULifeline is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health (part of the JED Foundation).
Required Information from Students
All incoming students are required to complete their immunization information. Click here to complete the form.
The Wellness Center also provides relevant health and wellness programming including educational/informational workshops and screenings on nutrition, physical activity, anxiety and depression, prevention of sexual violence, alcohol and other drug use, tobacco, stress and general wellness.
What are some of the reasons students come to the Health Service office?
- Reasons may include treatment for colds, flu, sinus problems, earaches, cough, headaches, urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal symptoms, joint or muscle pain, injury, rashes or insect bites.
- Rapid Strep Testing, Urinalysis and Blood Sugar Testing are available in the Wellness Center.
What happens if I get sick at night or on the weekend?
- The Residence Hall Staff is available during the off-hours to assist students with medical or injury needs.
- Excela Health-Latrobe Area Hospital is minutes away in case of an emergency.
- The school physicians are on-call through the hospital, and can be reached by the emergency department staff.
When can I see a doctor on campus?
- Physician appointments are scheduled in the Wellness Center on Tuesday morning from 9 - 11:30 a.m. and Wednesday afternoon from 1 - 3:30 p.m.
- We are able to schedule appointments in the physicians' office at other times during the week, if necessary.
Can I receive my allergy shot in the Wellness Center?
- Allergy injections can be administered provided we have, on file, your allergist's dosage schedule and information sheet.
- Allergy serum may be stored in our refrigerator during the school year.
- Call X2115 or 724-805-2115 to set up an appointment schedule during our physician hours.
Will the Flu Vaccine be administered on campus this year?
- It is administered every October in the Wellness Center.
How do I make an appointment for counseling?
- You can make an appointment by calling the Wellness Center X2115 or 724-805-2115, or stop by the office located in Carey Center. Counselors are available Monday-Friday from 8:30 - 4:30.
- If you feel that you need to be seen immediately, please let us know.An accommodation will be made.
- In the event of an after-hours emergency, call x-2911 or 724-805-2911, and the operator will contact the appropriate response personnel.
Is there a fee for counseling at the Wellness Center?
- All of the counseling services in the SVC Wellness Center are covered by the student's 'Health Fee.' There are no additional charges for the session/s.
What can I expect to happen when I seek counseling services from the Wellness Center?
- The SVC Counselors provide a supportive atmosphere for students to explore a wide range of issues.
- Counseling can be an opportunity for self- exploration, personal growth and a chance to receive the perspective of an objective listener. The counseling process allows an individual to discover the resources that they have to cope with life's challenges.
What are some of the reasons that a student might seek counseling?
- People with a wide range of problems and concerns may benefit from counseling.
- Students might seek counseling to manage stress and anxiety, address family issues, manage conflict, adjust to college life, increase self-esteem, build healthy relationships, overcome homesickness, address sexual concerns or deal with eating issues....and more.
Who has access to my records?
- Health and counseling files are NOT part of academic records, and no one has access to them except the health or counseling staff of the SVC Wellness Center.
Confidentiality Policy
The Wellness Center observes the principles of confidentiality as dictated by the ethical standards of the medical and counseling professions, and by the statutes of the State of Pennsylvania. The Primary responsibility of the Wellness Center is to the client. Thus, our policy is that no information, verbal or written, will be released without specific permission of the student, EXCEPT when the student is considered to be in danger of harming him/herself, harming another, or is unable to care for him/herself. In all other cases when confidential information is disclosed to persons outside our services, the client must agree to the disclosure and sign a Release of Information form.
Staying Healthy At SVC
Respiratory Virus Prevention and Precautions
People with respiratory illnesses may resume daily activities if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medications and if their symptoms are overall improving. These updated guidelines apply to the COVID, (flu) influenza, and (RSV) respiratory syncytial viruses.
Individuals who are COVID positive and end isolation based on the above statement should still limit close contact with others, wear well-fitted masks, practice good hygiene (like washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes) for 5 days from the onset of their symptoms.
The Wellness Center sponsors SVC’s annual Flu Vaccine Clinic each October. All predicted seasonal influenza strains are included in the vaccine, and they are provided at no cost to students on a first come, first served basis.
Substance Abuse Prevention
How Drugs and Alcohol Can Affect Students:
Some students may be using drugs or alcohol to try and relieve some of the stress and pressure of college life. These students may not realize that drugs and alcohol will not actually relieve stress in the long run. Drugs and alcohol don’t solve problems, they tend to create problems or making coping with them more difficult. Drugs and alcohol can interfere with the student’s physical and mental ability. The student can be negatively affected by the use or overuse of drugs and alcohol. Substance use can have lasting effects on the brain and body. Judgment and physical abilities can be impaired, causing the student to struggle in academics, athletic performance, relationships, and responsible decision-making.
Be Safe, if you do choose to drink, be responsible
If you make the choice to drink, the best way to stay safe is to drink in moderation. The following tips are things you can do to stay safer if you decide to consume alcohol:
• Eat food before going out. Continue to snack throughout the night.
• Keep track of your drinks, know your limits and stick to them!
• Sip your drinks, rather than chugging them.
• Pace yourself to one serving per hour.
• Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
• Keep hydrated; drink water throughout the night.
• Avoid drinking games and avoid shots, this can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication.
• Keep an eye on your drink- do not leave it unattended.
• Give yourself time. The only thing that will sober you up is time- not a cold shower or coffee
Know the facts about Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol poisoning is serious and it can be fatal. To make sure you are being safe, it is important to recognize the signs of an alcohol emergency:
• Vomiting or vomiting while passed out
• Slow, shallow or irregular breathing
• Unresponsiveness or difficulty communicating
• Violent or threatening behaviors
• Cold, clammy or blue skin
• Loss of bodily control
• Difficulty standing or walking
*The above signs of an emergency are not a check list. If your friend experiences any of these symptoms after drinking alcohol, it is important that you call for help! 724-805-2911 or 911
Call for help! You will not get in trouble
Students should never hesitate to seek help for their peers’ personal welfare in drug, alcohol or other emergencies. Pennsylvania law gives an underage person a defense to prosecution for the summary offense of consumption or possession of alcohol or drugs if: The person calls 911 or alerts campus safety, police or emergency services in the good faith belief that another individual needs immediate medical help to prevent death or serious injury.
Recognizing Alcohol/Drug Problems:
Assessing a potential substance abuse problem can be difficult. Some possible signs include drastic change in behavior or appearance, frequent accidents and minor injuries, reports from other students, change in interest or energy level during practice, missing practice or workouts, or deteriorating performance.
There is help available at the Wellness Center:
Confidential counseling is available on campus. The Wellness Center does not disclose information about students unless the student has given written authorization. The only exception is in situations involving risk of imminent harm to the student or specifically identified others. The Wellness Center will discuss confidentiality with each student in more depth. The appointment is an opportunity for them to discuss their use of drugs or alcohol and get recommendations for making healthy changes in a non-confrontational setting.
Please contact the Wellness Center if you have questions or would like to consult with a counselor at 724-805-2115
There are many services available for counseling, treatment or rehabilitation for students. Students concerned about their own or another person's alcohol or other drug use are encouraged to contact the College's Wellness Center in Carey Center for confidential advice and referral.
Local Drug and alcohol treatment is available through:
- Gateway Outpatient Treatment 724-853-7300
- Strive Health of Greensburg 412-513-9891
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 724-836-1404
- Greater Pittsburgh Al-Anon 800-628-8920
- SPHS Behavioral Health 724-532-1700
- Additional information about local resources.
Further information on treatment programs and support groups is available from the Wellness Center 724-805-2115 and the Prevention Projects Program. Conscientious efforts to seek help for a drug or alcohol abuse problem will not jeopardize any student's record.