In This Section
Saint Vincent College values diversity and equity, and it is committed to providing a learning environment that is accessible to all students. The office of Academic Accommodations is the designated department of the college to determine reasonable accommodations and services. We are committed to promoting equal access to learning opportunities for all our students. The college follows the standards and guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Students may initiate the process at any time during the academic year; however, they are strongly encouraged to contact the Director of Academic Accommodations as early as possible to begin the process. First-year students are especially encouraged to contact the office soon after committing to being enrolled at the college. For a student to be eligible for academic accommodations, students are required to submit appropriate documentation to the Director of Academic Accommodations. In general, academic accommodations may not carry over to subsequent academic years, so a request for academic accommodations may need to be made each academic year and/or semester.
Academic Support and Resources
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry can provide funding for learning disability testing, tuition, adaptive equipment and other services. If you are a Pennsylvania resident, please call 1-800-762-4223 for more information and a referral to a local OVR counselor.
Getting Started with Academic Accommodations
Students who wish to apply for academic accommodations, documentation guidelines, and understanding confidentiality and FERPA.
Apply for Services
Please email academicsupport@stvincent.edu if you want to apply for services and attach your documentation of disability. You will be contacted by the Accommodations office to inform you of the next steps in the process. **An online application will be available soon.
Confidentiality and FERPA
The college has established procedures and policies for confidentiality, release of student information, and student’s rights under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). -
Documentation Guidelines
Appropriate documentation of a disability is required to receive academic accommodations.
- A combination of information is used to determine a student’s eligibility.
- A diagnosis does not necessarily translate into specific accommodations, but rather reasonable accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Documentation of student disability is required to understand the disability and functional limitations that may affect a student’s academic environment to establish reasonable accommodations.
- Disability documentation is treated in a confidential manner.
Temporary Accommodations
Information provided for students with temporary conditions and supports that are available.
- Temporary medical conditions such as broken and sprained bones, concussions, surgery, infectious diseases, and other conditions are not considered disabilities.
- The college does recognize these temporary conditions and the limitations they can place on a student’s ability to fully participate in their learning environment.
- Students who are experiencing a temporary condition will be eligible for temporary academic accommodations. Documentation of the condition is required, along with updates of recovery. Students with temporary conditions should complete the application for services and a meeting will be scheduled to discuss reasonable temporary accommodations.
Review accommodations and how to request your accommodations each semester. This is not an extensive list of the accommodations available.
Testing Accommodation
Students may be eligible for testing accommodations. These accommodations can be used for quizzes, exams, mid-terms, and final exams. Any student who is approved for this accommodation must complete the Academic Support Exam Request Form on the MYSV portal. Possible testing accommodations are:
- Extended Time
- Distraction-Limited Testing Environment
- Use of Assistive Devices
Note Taking Accommodations
Students may be eligible for note taking accommodation services. Accommodations for note taking services are on a case-by-case basis. Note taking services Do Not take the place of the student taking their own class notes. Possible note taking services include:
- Supplemental note taking services (requests are made via the Note Taking Request Form on the MYSV portal).
- Use of Assistive Equipment (Livescribe Echo Smartpen)
Useful resources for Academic and Wellness supports for all students in need of assistance.
Wellness Center
located on the first floor of Robert S. Carey Student Center next to the bookstore. Please visit the Wellness Center webpage for more information. -
Opportunity SVC/Act 101/SSS-TRIO program
Located on the 4th floor of Alfred Hall (provides tutoring, mentoring, and academic/career readiness goals) -
Writing Center
Available to assist student with writing consultations by appointment and walk-in (not guaranteed). To schedule an appointment, visit the Writing Center portal. -
Study Center
24-hour access located on the 2nd floor of Alfred Hall, Room A23 (Supervised by Opportunity SVC/Act 101/SSS-TRIO program)
Understand your rights as a student regarding disclosing a disability, grievance procedures, and disputes.
Academic Accommodations Request: Disclosing Disabilities
- The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibit discrimination based on a disability and require reasonable accommodations to be made for those who qualify and request them.
- A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment that allows an individual equal access and opportunity to participate in courses, services, and use of facilities. The college is not required to make a substantial change to the curriculum or functions of a program.
- Students must follow the application process for eligibility determination and must include documentation of their disability and how that impacts their course work.
- Requests must be made by the student directly, except in the case of a student who is under the age of 18. Parents and legal guardians may be involved with the student’s permission; however, the student is required to request and engage in the interactive process regarding the accommodation.
- Each request is reviewed and determined on an individual basis.
- Accommodations do not remove or exclude any course requirements and are to be used to allow a student to fully participate.
- Accommodations are not used as an excused absence from class and cannot be used retroactively.
Grievance Procedure
Grievances against academic accommodations and disability support services should be made in writing within four weeks of the incident and submitted to the Assistant Vice President of Student Success and Retention. Saint Vincent College acts in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Information for Faculty
The following is information to assist faculty who may have students receiving Academic Accommodations.
Please use the following statement to be included in your course syllabi:
For [INSERT SEMESTER AND YEAR], students with disabilities who may be eligible for academic accommodations and support services should contact Mrs. Nicole Kerr, the Accommodations Coordinator to schedule a meeting. Mrs. Kerr can be reached at 724-805-2371 or by email to AcademicSupport@stvincent.edu. Her office is located in the Academic Affairs suite on the 2nd floor of Headmasters Hall (above post office). Reasonable accommodations do not alter the essential elements of any course, program, or activity. The Notification of Approved Academic Accommodations form indicates the effective date of all approved academic accommodations and is not retroactive.
Testing Accommodations
Students who have accommodations for quizzes and exams will submit a request via the Academic Support Exam Request form. Academic Accommodations will communicate via email when a test has been requested by a student. Quizzes and exams will need to be sent via email or hardcopy to Academic Accommodations, along with any supplemental materials and instructions. Once completed, the quizzes/exams can either be picked up in Accommodations or dropped off to the instructor.
Referrals to Academic Accommodations
If a student tells you that they have a disability/medical condition, or that they received accommodations before, please direct them to contact Nicole Kerr in Academic Accommodations. Be mindful that not all students who struggle academically have a disability and you should never ask a student if they do. Please provide students with as many resources as possible, including Academic Accommodations, and allow the student to reach out independently. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Supportive Measures through the Title IX Office
A student may be receiving Supportive Measures through the Title IX Office. While these Supportive Measures may look and operate in a similar manner to Academic Accommodations, the legal requirements behind them are different. In addition, in some cases a student may be receiving both Academic Accommodations and Supportive Measures, and the Academic Accommodations Office has a role in both. When a student is receiving Supportive Measures, the Academic Accommodations Office will assist the Title IX Office with the coordination of some of these Supportive Measures (e.g., extended test or assignment time, note-taking requests, use of assistive devices, etc…). You will be contacted directly with further information by the Title IX Coordinator when Supportive Measures are being provided to a student.
Contact Academic Accommodations
Academic Affairs Reception
Susan Yackovich
Dr. Lea Delcoco-Fridley
Academic Accommodations Specialist
Nicole Kerr
Coordinator, Academic Accommodations
Dr. Dana Winters
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs