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Digital Art And Media

Digital Art And Media

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Minor

With a bachelor’s in digital art and media, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of artistic techniques, principles and applications in the context of today’s digital media landscape.

Our program in digital art and media is designed for illustrators, filmmakers, designers, storytellers and more who have an interest in applying their artistry in diverse settings like advertising, publishing, website design and more. Our graduates hone their personal style and artistic process, as well as the ability to adapt to the specific needs of a workplace or client.

Choose a concentration

Our major in digital art and media is divided into two tracks: graphic design and video and animation. Students in both tracks take a series of introductory courses that build drawing, design and technical skills and engage artistic styles that encompass both western and nonwestern traditions. Our digital art and media students graduate prepared to apply professional standards of exhibition, presentation and portfolio development.

Graphic Design

Students who concentrate in graphic design focus on print and still images, taking courses in typography, web design and sports and retail branding that prepare them for roles in corporate communications, marketing and more.

Video and Animation

Students who concentrate in video and animation examine the practical and theoretical elements of moving images – taking courses in film studies, advanced digital editing and 3D modeling.

Curriculum Requirements

  • Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital Art and Media

    Required courses:
    AR 130 Drawing I
    AR 223 Drawing and Illustration for Design
    AR 330 Digital Photo and Post-Production
    AR 340 Visual Story Telling
    CA 100 Introduction to Mass Media
    CA 130 Introduction to Digital Media
    CA 285 Digital Layout and Design
    CA 435 Digital Media Professional    

    Digital Art and Media students who choose the Graphic Design concentration also take:
    AR 101 or 102 Caves to Cathedrals or Art History II: Baroque to Present
    AR 334 Typography
    CA 235 Web Design
    CA 325 Digital Deliberation and Remix
    CA 301 Sports and Retail Branding

    Digital Art and Media students who choose the Video and Animation concentration also take:
    CA 200 Film Studies
    CA 255 Documentary Studies
    CA 309 Advanced Digital Editing
    AR 3D Modeling
    AR Animation

    Electives include:
    AR 139 Outside the Box: Package Design
    CA 251 Media Effects
    AR 240 Sculpture I
    AR 338 Printmaking I
    CA 230 Writing for Media
    CA 270 Children’s Books on Film
    AR / CA 550 Internship

Your Degree at Work

Saint Vincent College digital art and media program graduates have gone on to start successful careers – you’ll find our alumni now work at prestigious organizations like the Pittsburgh Penguins, American Eagle Outfitters and Penguin Random House, along with various regional and national marketing agencies.

Career Options:

  • Book Illustrator
  • Character Designer/Modeler
  • Character Animator
  • Videographer
  • Web Designer
  • App Designer
  • Video Editor
  • Video and Print Editor
  • Documentary Film Maker
  • Motion and Sound Designer
  • Advertising Professional
  • Digital Marketing Professional
  • New Media Artist
  • Motion Graphics Designer
  • Storyboard Artist
  • User Interface Designer
  • User Experience Designer
  • Art Director


Each and every faculty in our digital art and media program is committed to helping students succeed, and as practitioners in the field, they bring their first-hand experience to the classroom. By incorporating a video resume project into his lesson plan each year, communication professor David Safin prepares his students to enter the professional world post-graduation.

Real-World Experience
