Peace and Justice Studies
- Minor

In This Section
The Peace and Justice minor program at Saint Vincent College prepares students to build a more just and peaceful world. It accomplishes this by providing students with theoretical knowledge, the capacity for critical reflection, and the skills of practical application. Grounded in the college’s Benedictine heritage and liberal arts mission, the program explores the ways societies have comprehended human nature and their successes and failures protecting human dignity.
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Admission
Ext. 2500
Curriculum Requirements
Requirements for a Minor in Peace and Justice
Required courses:
HI 290 Peace and Justice in Historical Perspective (History) (Service Learning Component) OR
TH 252 Peace, Justice and Forgiveness (Theology) (Service Learning Component) - 3 credits
Take five courses from the list below from at least two different Schools. Students must take either two Service Learning designated courses or one Service Learning designated course and a PJS internship.
School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
AN 222 Cultural Anthropology - 3 credits
AN 280 Medical Anthropology - 3 credits
AN 285 Culture and Health in Guatemala - 6 credits (Service Learning Component)
CA 218 Inter-Cultural Communication - 3 credits
FRC 373 What Would Fred Rogers Do? – An Interdisciplinary Seminar on Creating Positive Social Change for Children - 3 credits (Service Learning component)
SO 200 Race and Ethnicity - 3 credits
SO 235 Inequality and Social Problems - 3 credits
EL 179 The Literature of Social Protest - 3 credits
EL 111 Environmental Literature - 3 credits
EL 138 Multiethnic Literature of the U.S. - 3 credits
EL 139 African American Literature - 3 credits
EL 179 Literature of Social Protest - 3 credits
EL 256 Sentimental Fictions: American Women Writers in the Nineteenth Century - 3 credits
PL 215 Ethics - 3 credits
PL 217 Environmental Ethics - 3 credits
HI 226 Society and the Environment in Global Perspective - 3 credits
HI 232 Race and Ethnicity in Historical Perspective - 3 credits
HI 290 Peace and Justice in Historical Perspective - 3 credits (Service Learning component)
TH 252 Peace, Justice, and Forgiveness - 3 credits (Service Learning component)
TH 250 Introduction to Moral Theology - 3 credits
TH 255 Religion and Politics - 3 credits
TH 265 God, Work, and Money - 3 credits (Service Learning component)
TH 350 Holocaust Questions - 3 credits
Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics and Government
PS 135 Classical Political Thought - 3 credits
PS 136 Modern Political Thought - 3 credits
CLS 101 Introduction to Criminology - 3 credits
CLS 155 American Judicial System - 3 credits
CLS 210 Civil Rights Law - 3 credits
CLS 220 (H) The Criminology of Race - 3 credits
CLS 266 The Death Penalty - 3 credits
Herbert W. Boyer School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computing
NSCI 140 Science and Global Sustainability and Lab - 4 credits
NSCI 252/253 Science of Sustainable Living and Lab - 4 credits
NSCI 210/211 Chemistry and Crime and Lab - 4 credits
NSCI 207 Energy and Climate Change - 4 credits
Peace and Justice Studies Internship - 1 credit
Program Highlights
Student Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the Peace and Justice program will be able to:
- employ theoretical knowledge, critical thinking, communication, and information literacy skills in the study of peace and justice.
- convey familiarity with the Catholic peace and social justice tradition.
- approach an understanding of peace and justice concepts and issues through the lens of multiple disciplines.
- identify concrete means of working to support peace and justice in their lives and their communities.
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Admission
Ext. 2500