Brother Albert Gahr began teaching at Saint Vincent in Fall 2012 after completing a master's degree at Saint Vincent Seminary. He's been advisor for the Tri-Beta Honor society from the induction of the local chapter until the Fall 2022 semester. Currently, Br. Albert is the Faculty advisor for the Aquarium club. He enjoys fiber arts, in particular knitting.
B.S. in Biology, St. Vincent College (1995)
Ph.D. in Genetics and Developmental Biology, West Virginia University (2002)
M.A. in Monastic Studies, Saint Vincent Seminary (2012)
General Biology I and II Lecture and Lab Courses
Cell Biology Lecture and Lab Courses
Developmental Biology Lecture and Lab Course
Biology in Art
Introduction to Biology
Investigating Biology
My background is in Genetic and Genomic Analysis of Agriculturally significant species (Chicken and Rainbow Trout). The focus of this work has been investigating the muscle growth and development in these species. Since coming to Saint Vincent, I have maintained my interest in aquaculture through using the Zebrafish as a research model and have continued the chicken work at an embryonic level.
Rupprecht, DP and AS Gahr 2014. The effect of a holistic supplement on bone growth, bending strength, and gene expression during embryonic development of a chicken in ovo. BIOS 85, 102-110.
Hale MC, JA Colletti, SA Gahr, J Scardina, FP Thrower, M Harmon, M Carter, RB Phillips, GH Thorgaard, Caird E. Rexroad III, and KM Nichols. 2014. Mapping and Expression of Candidate Genes for Development Rate in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 105, 506-520.
Gahr, SA, GM Weber, and CE Rexroad 3rd. 2012. Identification and expression of Smads associated with TGF-Beta/Activin/Nodal signaling pathways in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Physiol Biochem 38, 1233-44.
Palti, Y, MF Rodriguez, SA Gahr, MK Purcell, CE Rexroad, and GD Wiens. 2010. Identification, characterization and genetic mapping of TLR1 loci in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 28, 918-26.
Palti, Y, SA Gahr, MK Purcell, S Hadidi, CE Rexroad 3rd, GD Wiens. 2010. Identification, characterization and genetic mapping of TLR7, TLR8a1 and TLR8a2 genes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Dev Comp Immunol. 34, 219-33.
Book Chapter
Russell, RW and SA Gahr. 2000. Glucose availability and associated metabolism. In: D’Mello, JPF (eds.), Farm animal metabolism and nutrition. CABI Publishing, New York, pgs. 121-147
Alexander, K and AS Gahr. 2015. The effects of artificial sweeteners on chicken embryonic development. Tri-Beta Northeast-3 District Convention (Geneseo, NY).
Golian, A and AS Gahr. 2015. The Effects of Satellite Cell Activation on Muscle Injury in Goldfish. Tri-Beta Northeast-3 District Convention (Geneseo, NY).
Linstrum, K and AS Gahr. 2014. The Effects of an mRNA Morpholino treatment on muscle development in Zebrafish Embryos. Tri-Beta Northeast-3 District Convention. (Grove City, PA)
Ramachandra, R, SA Gahr, CE Rexroad III, J Yao. 2007. Involvement of microRNAs in embryonic genome activation as shown by dicer expression in rainbow trout. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting. (San Antonio, TX)
Gahr, SA, GM Weber, BS Shepherd, J Silverstein, RL Vallejo, I Coulibaly, CE Rexroad III. 2006. Effects of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) on the Liver and Muscle Transcriptomes of High Growth Rate Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss). Plant and Animal Genome XIV (San Diego, CA)
Nichols, K, K Broman, SA Gahr, CE Rexroad III, K Sundin, J Young,R Phillips, P Wheeler, G Thorgaard. 2006. The genetic architecture of development rate in rainbow trout: QTL, QTL x maternal environment, and candidate gene expression. 4th Ecological Genomics Symposium.
Coulibaly I, SA Gahr, Y Palti, J Yao, & CE Rexroad III. 2006. Genomic Structure and Expression Patterns of Uncoupling Protein 2 Genes in Rainbow Trout. Plant and Animal Genome XIV (San Diego, CA).
Nichols K, SA Gahr, CE Rexroad III, R Phillips, G Thorgaard.. 2006. Mapping, Expression, and Molecular Variation of Potential Candidate Genes Underlying a Major Embryonic Development Rate Qtl in Rainbow Trout. Plant and Animal Genome XIV (San Diego, CA).