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Daniele Arcara, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics and Department Chairperson

About Daniele Arcara

Dr. Daniele Arcara is originally from Italy and moved to the United States to study for his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Georgia. He arrived at Saint Vincent in 2006. Dr. Arcara enjoys teaching, and he's taught pretty much every math course SVC has on the curriculum. He has eight children.


B.S. in Mathematics, Università di Torino, Turin, Italy (1996)

Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Georgia (2003)

Certificate in Pastoral Ministry, Seton Hill University (2011)


CORE 1400 Listening Seminar

MA 106 Fund. of Problem Solving

MA 109 Calculus with Applications I

MA 110 Calculus with Applications II

MA 111 Analytical Calculus I

MA 112 Analytical Calculus II

MA 121 Basic Applied Statistics

MA 211 (old: 113) Analytical Calculus III

MA 223 Mechanics: Statics

MA 224 Mechanics: Dynamics

MA 251 (old: 115) Linear Algebra

MA 301H History of Mathematics (Honors)

MA 321 Complex Variables

MA 350 Independent Study (Mathematics)

MA 421 Real Analysis I

MA 422 Real Analysis II

MA 451 (old: 201) Abstract Algebra I

MA 452 (old: 202) Abstract Algebra II

MA 550 Cooperative Education (Mathematics)

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry (moduli spaces, stability conditions, derived categories)

Selected Publications

D. Arcara, A. Bertram, Bridgeland-stable moduli spaces for K-trivial surfaces, J. of the European Math. Soc., Volume 15, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 1-38 (with an appendix by Max Lieblich).

D. Arcara, A. Bertram, I. Coskun, J. Huizenga, The minimal model program for the Hilbert scheme of points on P^2 and Bridgeland stability, Advances in Mathematics 235 (2013), pp. 580-626.

D. Arcara, E. Miles, Bridgeland Stability of Line Bundles on Surfaces, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 220, Issue 4, April 2016, pp. 1655-1677.

D. Arcara, E. Miles, Projectivity of Bridgeland Moduli Spaces on Del Pezzo Surfaces of Picard Rank 2, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2017, Issue 11, June 2017, pp. 3426-3462.