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Timothy Kelly Ph.D.

Professor, History


  • Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
  • M.A., University of Texas at Austin
  • B.A., Rutgers University
  • Courses

  • American Cultural History
  • American Economic History
  • Documentary History
  • Race and Ethnicity in Historical Perspective
  • Religion and Society
  • Society and the Environment: The American Experience
  • The Historian's Profession
  • Topics in U.S. History Since 1865
  • Twentieth Century America, 1941 to 1980
  • About Timothy Kelly Ph.D.

    My interests in history range very broadly, though they have as a common thread the study of the ways that ordinary people perceived, experienced, and ultimately shaped the world.  Many cultural phenomena have shaped those understandings and experiences, including religion, popular culture, the economy, sports, and a dynamic and often enduring sense of justice and community.  My research and teaching follow this set of interests.




    • American social history broadly defined with emphasis on American religious history, cultural history, environmental and sport history
    • Dr. Kelly also directs the Peace and Justice Studies program.