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Saint Vincent College Writing Center

Saint Vincent College Writing Center

  • Academic Centers

Saint Vincent College Writing Center

The Saint Vincent College Writing Center is an interdisciplinary resource that seeks to provide students the opportunity to become more confident, independent, and capable writers. The writing consultants, a diverse group of students who have been trained to facilitate 1:1 tutorials, group sessions, and workshops, will guide and support students of all writing abilities through each stage of the writing process, from formulating ideas, to applying the Six Principles of Good Writing, to developing voice and proofreading. Rooted in the Benedictine Hallmarks, the Writing Center provides a welcoming, nonjudgmental, and constructive environment in which students improve their writing habits and skills. By celebrating individuality, equality, and collaboration, the Writer Center is committed to each unique individual and the Saint Vincent community overall.

Schedule An Appointment

Hours and Location
Dale P. Latimer Library, Ground Floor, Room 106
Monday-Thursday 10 AM to 6 PM

Preparing For Your Writing Consultation

The primary objective of the SVC Writing Center is to help students improve their writing. Students are expected to attend consultations with a clear goal—not necessarily a developed thought or draft but at least an idea or a question. Students should arrive at the consultation on time and ready to think and engage with the consultant. Writing consultation is not one-sided; to be successful, it requires collaboration and active participation.

When you arrive for your writing consultation:

  • Prepare all materials you will need to discuss your writing assignment (e.g., assignment sheets, rubrics, pre-writing, and working drafts)
  • Be attentive: please do not listen to music, take calls, etc.
  • Respect that the session occurs in the time allotted, not outside the consultants’ work hours.
  • Have realistic expectations; improvement occurs with practice and over time.
  • Be open to new ideas and suggestions about the writing process as well as your own writing.

The consultants are trained to provide students a welcoming, goal-orientation session that leaves the student feeling accomplished.


  • 2022-23 Writing Consultants

    Rachel Andreola, Class of '24
    Mathematics, Finance
    "Outside of being a writing consultant, I am a mathematics tutor, the vice president of SVC The Company, and a Fred Rogers Scholar. Being a confident writer is something I have struggled with, and I hope to be able to offer help to my peers who may experience that same struggle. I look forward to being part of the process that allows writers to find their voice and their self-assurance."

    Sydney Campbell, Class of '24
    "I am also a member of the women's soccer team. I have always loved writing, and I plan to make it a big part of my future. I love helping people improve their writing as well! "

    David Collins, Class of '24
    English, Communication
    "Apart from being a Writing Associate, I am also a part of the Honors College, SVC’s The Company, and Sigma Tau Delta. I think writing is so special in its ability to simultaneously promote individuality and uniqueness while also facilitating understanding and bringing people together. I am psyched to be working for the writing center this year and am happy to help anyone in need of assistance."

    Bethany Fritsch, Class of '23
    Theology, Communication
    "Outside of the Writing Center, I work in Campus Ministry as the Communication Coordinator, I lead a women's small group and I assist in other Campus Ministry activities. I believe that everyone has a voice, and by improving your writing you can use it as a tool to share your voice with the world. I cannot wait to engage with my peers, help them and learn from them."

    Cara Garland, Class of '23
    Integrated Science: Allied Health, Psychology
    "Apart from being a Writing Consultant, I am president of the Pre-Allied Health Club. Writing is something I enjoy doing along with going to the gym and spending time with friends. I am excited to help my peers and make this a good year for the Writing Center."

    Bridgette Gorg, Class of '24
    Environmental Science, Biology, BLS
    "I am from Virginia and am new to the Pennsylvania area. I love reading, hiking, and being outside. You can usually find me snoozing somewhere sunny in my hammock. At St. Vincent I am part of the rugby club, and I love being a part a sports team here! I am looking forward to being a Writing Consultant because I wanted to show others that writing is important in all fields, especially in science."

    Kailey Harvey, Class of '23
    English, Secondary Education
    "I have been working with the Writing Center as a Writing Consultant since 2020. My specialty is in Literature, which is my area of focus for my English degree. I love to read books, the most recent book I’ve finished is “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover. I look forward to working with you and I am excited to make this a successful year for us all!"

    Hunter Henninger, Class of '24
    Computer Science
    "As a writing consultant, I would like to help out others' writing, while improving at being a tutor as well. My hobbies are playing video games and reading."

    Brandon Karafilis, Class of '25
    English, Communication
    "Apart from being a writing consultant, I am part of the Communications Club & SGA. I enjoy watching and playing hockey. I am also a huge Marvel fan! I enjoy writing because I believe it is one of the best ways to express one’s thoughts, beliefs, and emotions as a whole. As a consultant, I hope to give people the ability to express their own voice and be proud of what they create!"

    RJ Kenna, Class of '24
    Business Economics, Operational Excellence, Vocal Performance
    "I am involved in lacross, Campus Ministry, Respect Life Club, and OE Club. I am the youngest of seven kids, and I play the bagpipes. As a consultant, I would like to help others grow in their writing."

    Madison Kozera, Class of '24
    English, Creative Writing, Studio Art
    "As well as being a Writing Associate, I am also a member of the Benedictine Leadership Studies. I’m the vice president of the Saint Vincent Equestrian Club on campus, and I enjoy spending my time with animals when I can. While working as a Writing Associate, I hope to teach others more about how to use the English language to write more distinctively and produce a style that applies more cohesively to each individual."

    Kyra Lipetzky, Class of '24
    English and Marketing
    "I love being a consultant/associate because I get to help others discover and refine their unique voice in writing. Outside of the Writing Center, I'm a goalie on the women's lacrosse team, and I'm involved in the strategic gaming club, equestrian club, and the English honors society."

    Michael Malone, Class of '23
    Psychology, Mental Health Concentration
    "I believe writing is an incredible way to express your thoughts and feelings in a way that anyone is capable of. My goal as a Writing Consultant is to help anyone who comes in achieve whatever their goals with writing might be. My particular strong suits are with analysis papers and narrative essays, but I will do my darndest to help anyone with anything! Outside of being a writing consultant, I am a huge fan of comedies, tabletop games, and anything that would have gotten you shoved into a locker in high school. I look forward to seeing you in the Writing Center!"

    Sophie Neubert, Class of '24
    English, Digital Humanities, Communication
    "Apart from being a Writing Consultant, I am a member of the BLS program, honors program, Sigma Tau Delta English honor society, the Respect Life Club, and I am part of the SVC tennis team. One fun fact about me is that I love growing plants. Writing is an important skill for everyone, no matter their discipline. As a writing consultant, I want to help people improve their writing skills so that they can become more effective communicators."

    Kelsie Patton, Class of '23
    Anthropology and Public History, Peace and Justice Studies
    "In addition to being a Writing Consultant, I am also involved in History Club and other work study positions within the anthropology and history departments. I enjoy working in the writing center because it allows me to learn about other disciplines from my peers’ work and is also a way to meet new people. Some fun facts about me include that I commute, so I get to go home to my two dogs and tortoise every day, and I enjoy traveling!"

    Josie Rodell, Class of '23
    History, Anthropology, and Politics
    "Outside of the Writing Center, my campus life consists of being President of The Company, our student led theater group. Being creative is a stress reliever and that shows through in acting, singing, and writing for me. Writing is cathartic in all forms whether it be a creative project or even a class paper. When someone finally gets the groove of what he/she/they are writing about, it can be the best feeling, and I hope to help facilitate that process."
    Angel Scalamogna, Class of '23 
    English, Music 
    "Hey guys! Aside from working as a Writing Associate and Writing Consultant, I am also a member of Sigma Tau Delta, work-study at Student Affairs and the Career Center, and serve as a Prefect in Saint Benedict Hall. As an English major, my concentration is in literary analysis, but I find joy in all forms of writing. Writing is such a powerful skill and outlet, and I look forward to assisting you in your creative process."
    Baylee Wojcik, Class of '23
    Communication, Legal Studies
    "Aside from being a writing consultant, I am a Communication major with a minor in Legal Studies. I serve on the Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society leadership team, and I am the Vice President of the MADComm club. I love writing and getting to know new people, so I'm excited for this year!"



Ms. Mallory Truckenmiller Saylor
Director, Writing Center