In This Section
- Academic Centers
- Center for Catholic Thought and Culture
- Center for Cybersecurity Studies
- Center for Northern Appalachian Studies
- Center for Political and Economic Thought
- Gary Quinlivan Operational Excellence Lab
- Foster and Muriel McCarl Coverlet Gallery
- James and Margaret Tseng Loe Center for China Studies
- Kennametal Center for Operational Excellence
- Small Business Development Center
- Verostko Center for the Arts
- Visiting Writer Series
The Center for Cybersecurity Studies
Cybersecurity at Saint Vincent is central to the Computing and Information Systems Department: We have been incorporating industry-leading standards and practices into our curriculum for more than three decades.
The cybersecurity program is continuously evolving as the needs and the threats in the computing world and society change.
The cybersecurity major prepares the student for employment in a career in the exciting cybersecurity industry in positions such as a security analyst, cybersecurity incident response, compliance auditor and network/systems administrator. For those students looking for an advanced degree, the major offers preparation for graduate school. Students can engage in internships, work on real-world projects and learn team skills.
Students can receive course credit for internships, and in class, students have the opportunity to do "real-world" projects in collaboration with various college divisions, and outside businesses and organizations. By the end of the sophomore year, cybersecurity majors are prepared for internships in the field. Sophomores will have attained proficiency in an object-oriented programming language, foundations of information systems and the knowledge of organizations for cybersecurity standards. By the end of the senior year, cybersecurity majors will have completed a broad range of CIS course work that includes courses in fundamentals of information assurance and the frameworks of cybersecurity, as well as advanced concepts and experience in penetration testing, cryptography, computer/network forensics, and legal aspects of cybercrime. The senior capstone project allows students to creatively solve problems independently while learning new technologies and skills.
National Centers of Academic Excellence
Cyber Defense Education
Saint Vincent College has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE) through the academic year 2025. (SVC Awarded CAE-CDE Designation). View the CAE program of study Cybersecurity Curriculum.
Academic Member - National CyberWatch Center
Academic Centers
- Center for Catholic Thought and Culture
- Center for Cybersecurity Studies
- Center for Northern Appalachian Studies
- Center for Political and Economic Thought
- Gary Quinlivan Operational Excellence Lab
- Foster and Muriel McCarl Coverlet Gallery
- James and Margaret Tseng Loe Center for China Studies
- Kennametal Center for Operational Excellence
- Small Business Development Center
- Verostko Center for the Arts
- Visiting Writer Series
Program Highlights
Enrichment Opportunities
The CIS faculty are well-credentialed in computer science and related disciplines. The faculty maintain active research programs with student involvement. Example projects include digital forensics, cybercrime, cryptocurrencies and wireless data sniffing. In addition, the department offers many opportunities for students to be involved in the life of the department, including:
- Internships
- Job Listings
- Departmental Work-Study Positions
- Tutor/Teaching Facilitators
- Alpha Iota Mu Honor Society
- Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team
- Independent Senior Capstone Project
Graduate School Placements
CIS Department graduates have gone on to master's and doctoral programs at graduate schools such as:
Employment Prospects
CIS Department graduates have obtained employment at both small and large companies such as:
Veri Justique Scientia Vindex – Knowledge is the defender of Truth and Justice – This is the motto of Saint Vincent College and also a guiding motivation for our Center of Cybersecurity Studies.
Cybersecurity in the 21st century is a complex and multifaceted problem facing every level of society across the globe. Anyone looking to be effective in this discipline must look to incorporate a multitude of talents that can tackle bits and bytes as well as policy and procedure. At Saint Vincent College we have developed a Cybersecurity program that combines a technically rigorous skill set with a liberal arts foundation while also instilling the values of our Catholic Heritage and Benedictine Tradition.
Housed in the Computing and Information Systems Department and part of the Boyer School of Natural Science, Mathematics and Computing, the Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity includes a core of courses that highlight discipline specific knowledge areas of Computer Science fundamentals. All of our courses are based on a hands-on project oriented curriculum that allows students to gain experience alongside the theoretical foundations. Our Cybersecurity centric courses provide opportunities to experience projects with physical equipment and the latest in best practice software. From network packet analysis to evidence capture and digital forensic experience, students gain knowledge and understanding while honing the skills that will expected of them when they enter the cyber workforce.
The liberal arts core at Saint Vincent supports the mission of our Cybersecurity program and the institution to “promote the love of values inherent in the liberal approach to life and learning.” This takes form in the creation of a philosophical habit that encourages curiosity while providing the tools for exploration and explanation. Foundations of Language, Rhetoric, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Theology, and History provide context and a broader sense of the impact of technology and how it is used in the world.
Benedictine colleges are grounded in centuries of Catholic teaching but remain open and hospitable to other intellectual traditions. As charged by Pope John Paul II in Ex Corde Ecclesiae we “search for truth wherever analysis and evidence leads.” The Benedictine monks of medieval Europe, for example, did not just copy the bible by hand to preserve it. They also copied the ancient Greek philosophy of Aristotle and others. Even though this was pagan philosophy, it was valued and preserved for future generations of scholars. The Catholic church also has a well-developed system of moral theology, what many would term ethics. Ethics, then, is a valued part of both education and wider life at Saint Vincent College.
Taken in combination, all of these and more factor in creating an environment unique in forming students prepared to tackle the cybersecurity challenges facing the world today – with technical skills, social consciousness, and a moral and ethical compass firmly directing them to fulfill a calling to serve their community and the common good.
CIS Department Cybersecurity Faculty
- Anthony Serapiglia Ph.D.
- Br. David Carlson O.S.B.
- Nathan Hoffer M.S.
- Cynthia (Martincic) Rafeew Ph.D.
- Ryan Hejnosz M.S.
Cybersecurity Events
Upcoming Events with SVC-Cyber
- Feb 28,2020 – Saint Vincent Cybersecurity Club presents at Norwin High School.
- March 21, 2020 – Virtual qualifying round of the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber-Defense Competition (MACCDC)
- Fall, 2020 Cybersecurity Day at SVC
What is Cybersecurity Day?
For our yearly Cybersecurity Day event we are pleased to invite 100 high school students from the area with an interest in the ever expanding and fascinating field of cybersecurity, to our college campus. Programs often feature four different classroom settings in which groups of 25 students will have the opportunity for hands-on work with computers in a cybersecurity exercise, a discussion of the ethical dimensions of cybersecurity investigations and prosecutions, information on cyber bullying and ways to deter it within the school system, and the broader issues of the response of the Criminal Justice system to the needs of society in a way consistent with our national values and ethics.
Past presenters include many of our own professors from the Computing & Information Science and Criminology departments like: Dr. Anthony Serapiglia, Dr. Stephen Jodis, Dr. Eric Kocian, Dr. Sarah Daly, Mr. Michael Taylor, and Mr. Ryan Hejnosz.
The sessions usually go throughout the morning and lunch will provided to the participants and their faculty advisors and the day often concludes with a presentation and a Q&A session.Past Keynote Speakers
Michelle R. Pirtle
Michelle R. Pirtle has been a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigations for many years and is based out of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office. Her experience has focused on cyber investigations, including criminal and national security matters.Chief James Bumar
Chief Bumar has recently retired from the Latrobe Police Department and has also recently graduated from the Saint Vincent College Masters of Science in Criminology Program. He began teaching at Saint Vincent College in the Spring Semester of 2018. Chief Bumar's experiences and perspective as a dedicated law enforcement officer over many years would prove to be an invaluable source of knowledge for students regarding the pervasive nature of cyber issues that face law enforcement and society day-to-day.Regional Events:
BloomCON - March 27-28, 2020 - https://intranet.bloomu.edu/bloomcon
B-Sides Pittsburgh – June 26, 2020 - https://www.bsidespgh.com/
NCFTA 2020 Cyber Crime Forum – May 18-21 - https://www.ncfta.net/eventslist/
Cyber Defense Resource
Public Cyber Defense Resource Centers
- ISC2
- Krebs on Security
- Cyber Security Education
- Pittsburgh Technology Council
- National Cyber Watch
SVC Resources:
Other Resources
For more details on Saint Vincent College's internal cyber-defense resources and services, follow this link:
IT Services -
Student Activities
SVC Cybersecurity News
- June 25, 2020 - Saint Vincent College has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE) through academic year 2025. (SVC Awarded CAE-CDE Designation)
- March 21, 2020 - Shortly after heading off campus, SVC Cybersecurity students rallied to organize and participate in the virtual qualifying rounds of the 2020 MACCD (Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition). Gathering through Discord, students across four states worked together in defending a virtual business LAN from attackers in a Red Team/Blue Team competition. After 5 hours of competition, not every box was still standing but our team certainly was. Congratulations on a job well done in difficult circumstances!
- October 21, 2019 – Saint Vincent Cybersecurity Club presents at Adams Memorial Library in Latrobe, PA - Experts tell you to change your passwords often and make them hard to guess. But why is this important and how do you choose or create good ones? What else can you do to make sure you stay safe in the online environment? Speakers from the Cyber Security Club of Saint Vincent College will share tips and practices to keep your info secure and your online experience safe.
- November 23, 2019 – SVC Cybersecurity students participated in the WRCCDC Fall 2019 invitational – Saint Vincent College was extended a special invitation to participate with colleges from the Western Region of the Collegiate College Cyber-Defense Competition (WRCCDC) competing against schools such as Arizona State University, University of Colorado, University of Texas at Austin, University of California Berkeley, University of Southern California, and others. Saint Vincent Students completed the five hour virtual meetup in third place for system uptime, maintaining service availability across thirteen different servers while warding off attacks originating from a Red Team of volunteer cybersecurity professionals intent on bringing them down. Great job Bearcats!
- On December 17, 2019 - Cybersecurity Day 2019! –the Saint Vincent College Computing and Information Science department, in cooperation with the Saint Vincent College Criminology, Law and Society department hosted the 4th Annual Cybersecurity Day for Westmoreland County High School students. Students took part in presentations and workshops on Cyber Ethics, Cyberbullying, Duty and Justice, Encryption and Cybersecurity Fundamentals. The keynote speaker for the event was U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Information Systems Security Officer Brian Kohler who shared insights related to his work within he VA medical system and 25 year career in the United States Air Force.
- June 25, 2020 - Saint Vincent College has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE) through academic year 2025. (SVC Awarded CAE-CDE Designation)
Advisory Board
Click here for further information on our Industry Advisory Board/Committee.
Contact Us
Center for Cybersecurity Studies Program Director/CAE POC
Dr. Anthony Serapiglia
Phone: 724-805-2421
Email: anthony.serapiglia@stvincent.edu
Academic Centers
- Center for Catholic Thought and Culture
- Center for Cybersecurity Studies
- Center for Northern Appalachian Studies
- Center for Political and Economic Thought
- Gary Quinlivan Operational Excellence Lab
- Foster and Muriel McCarl Coverlet Gallery
- James and Margaret Tseng Loe Center for China Studies
- Kennametal Center for Operational Excellence
- Small Business Development Center
- Verostko Center for the Arts
- Visiting Writer Series