In This Section
The Fred Rogers Scholars Program educates and inspires students interested in pursuing careers or graduate work in service of children, youth, and/or families in alignment with the mission of the Fred Rogers Institute. Coordinated by faculty and staff at the Fred Rogers Institute, Fred Rogers Scholars students will study from the Fred Rogers Archive and contribute to Institute-driven initiatives in the local community.
In addition to Saint Vincent College's merit-based scholarships, each Fred Rogers Scholar receives an additional $2,500 per year and a myriad of opportunities to engage with scholars, professionals, and leaders within child and youth development, music, children’s health, and more.
The 2023-24 Fred Rogers Scholars include (pictured below):
Gina Beneccio ('25), Erin Brody ('25), Mateo Camacho ('26), Sydney Campbell ('26) Catherine Connell ('28), Matthew Dalton ('28), Hope Farley ('26), Alecko Fekos ('26), Will Fiejdasz ('25), Jimmy Gasper ('25), Nick Gasper ('27), Molly Hudson ('26), Kaley Lazere ('25), Kayanne Marti ('26), Kayla McClucas ('27), Reilly McKay ('25), Alissa Minerd ('25), Madison Morrone ('25), Ethan Ridgeway ('28), Pearl Russell ('27), Katie Smith ('28), Colin Spehar ('26), Grace Stasiak ('26), Kayleigh Thompson ('26), Jonah Weaver ('27), and Rachel Zgurich ('27)
Not pictured: Lance Bender ('27), Bella Snyder ('28), Jakob Krumenaker ('26), Abigail Graham ('28), Chloe Fontanazza ('26), Lindsey Benjamin ('25), Olivia Matha ('25)
Scholarships will be renewed annually, based on students maintaining high academic standards and actively participating in the program.
Virtual Tour
Program Highlights
Fred Rogers Scholars Program
Students from any major are encouraged to apply –you do not need to plan to pursue a child-focused career. The Fred Rogers Scholars Program encourages interdisciplinary work toward the continued advancement of the legacy and philosophy of Fred Rogers. Students have found meaning in engaging with Fred Rogers’ philosophy on music, human development, medicine, business marketing, and other fields. The possibilities are endless!
Opportunities for Students
Coordinated by faculty and staff at the Fred Rogers Institute, FRS students will study within the Fred Rogers Archive and contribute to Institute-driven initiatives that support children’s helpers around the world. FRS students will have opportunities to engage with scholars, professionals, and leaders within child and youth development, children’s media, music, children’s health, and more.
Program Expectations
FRS students are expected to work collaboratively to understand and extend the philosophy of Fred Rogers through research and service to others. Students should be interested in advancing Fred’s legacy by helping the helpers and investing in the strengths of families and caring adults to support the healthy development of children.
Admissions Information
Qualified Applicants
High school seniors, with a 3.50 QPA, applying to and/or admitted to Saint Vincent College will have various career and graduate school goals, with a strong interest in early learning and children's media, and an interest in the work of Fred Rogers. Participation from students across all majors is strongly encouraged. A quick glance at the four-year program includes:
Application Process
Interested candidates should first submit an application to Saint Vincent College Admissions Department.
Application Form
Click HERE to open the Honors Community application. Be sure to indicate that you are applying for the Fred Rogers Scholars Program, and complete the required sections of the application.
For more information on the Fred Rogers Scholars Program, please contact: Sarah Goehring, Director of Programs of the Fred Rogers Institute sarah.goehring@stvincent.edu 724-805-2750
Fred Rogers Institute

Staying true to the vision of Fred Rogers, the mission of the Fred Rogers Institute is to help children become confident, competent and caring. The Institute’s work carries forward three themes that were central to Fred’s life and career — growing on the inside, learning through relationships and giving meaning to technology. The Rogers Institute enriches the development of current and emerging leaders in the fields of early learning and children’s media by supporting the professional advancement and mentoring of the next generations of Fred Rogers through the Early Career Fellows program; educational opportunities for undergraduate Fred Rogers Scholars; research and special collaborations by Rogers Institute Senior Fellows; and resources and information on the developmentally appropriate use of media.
Established in 2003 to carry forward Fred Rogers’ important legacy, the Institute is the official home of the Fred Rogers Archive as well as a straightforward, understanding and compassionate voice for the healthy social and emotional development of children birth to age 8. As an advocate for the positive potential of technology to support children, families, educators and caregivers, the Rogers Institute enjoys many collaborative relationships with educational institutions, research centers and community organizations. For more information about the Fred Rogers Institute at Saint Vincent College, please visit www.fredrogersinstitute.org.