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  • Minor

The Latin minor program of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages allows students to develop skills in the Latin language. The department’s mission is to prepare and enable students, through the acquisition of a second language, to participate in a multilingual and multicultural world.

The Latin language program employs a culture-based communicative approach that fosters the requisite skills to speak, listen to, read, write and learn Latin. Cultural awareness is integrated at every level since language is culture and culture is language. 

Curriculum Requirements

  • Requirements for a Minor in Latin

    Requirements for Minor in Classical Latin (18 credits)
    A minor in Latin requires six courses beyond LT 203 both in the target language as well as non-language courses that are offered by other departments of the college. A placement exam is required before you begin study in the Latin program.

    Required Courses (12 credits):
    LT 204 Intermediate Latin II - 3 credits 
    Any 300 level course(s) and above in literature - 6 credits
    Any 300 level course(s) and above in culture/civilization - 3 credits

    Select any two non-language courses from the following (6 credits):
    EL 321 Classical Greek Poetry and Drama - 3 credits 
    HI 204 Measure of All Things: The Greek Legacy - 3 credits 
    HI 206 Caesar and Christ: The Roman Legacy 3 credits 
    AR 101 Art History, Ancient through Renaissance - 3 credits 
    AN 230 Archaeology - 3 credits

Program Highlights


The Classical Latin minor requires 18 credits including Intermediate Latin II as well as courses in literature, culture and civilization, and may include courses in Western Civilization, Art History or Archaeology, tailoring the program to the student’s interest.  The minor develops an appreciation for the history and foundations of Western language and culture, and prepares graduates to participate in multilingual and multicultural communities in the U.S. and abroad.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who minor in Latin have the opportunity to 

  • develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Latin.
  • develop an awareness and appreciation of other cultures.
  • engage in cross-cultural comparisons.
  • make connections with other disciplines of study.