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After Saint Vincent College

Successful Careers

Our Promise: You Will Be Ready

As you move toward college graduation and look to build your one remarkable life, you will face obstacles and experience moments of doubt. Saint Vincent College makes a simple promise: you will be ready. As a Benedictine faith community, we view stability — the habits of seeking and offering help and caring for yourself and others — as key to realizing your divine potential. You will not go it alone.

Student Success

98% of Saint Vincent graduates report employment in their field or acceptance into a post-graduate program.  (Source: 2018-19 First Destination Survey)

How We Get You Ready

Learn how the right mix and balance of core classwork, experiential learning and professional polish put you on a path to success. Learn More

Career Services

Who do you want to be? The Career and Professional Development Center helps every Bearcat match their skills and passion with first steps toward a meaningful life after college. Learn More

Listening to Employers

According to the 2020 Job Outlook (National Association of Colleges and Employers), hiring managers want new graduates to improve in two areas: critical thinking and writing. Learn More

Alumni Connections

When you cross the graduation stage in four years, you will join a network of more than 15,000 Saint Vincent College alumni who stand ready to offer a guiding hand and a critical connection.

Law School (LSAT) Test Scores by Major

Classics 160.3

Economic 158.9

Philosophy 157.2

History 156.3

Chemistry 156.02

Finance 154.96

Biology 154.3

Psychology 152.5

Source: Law School Admission Council

SVC Medical School Placement Rates

Human Medicine: 82% (41% Allopathic, 71% Osteopathic)*

Dental Medicine: 83% (54.5%)*

Veterinary Medicine: 100% (48.2%)*

Optometry: 100% (74.8%)*

Other: 90% 
(e.g. PT, PA, Pharm, Chiro, Podiatry)

Source: Saint Vincent College Herbert W. Boyer School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computing; five-year rolling average (May 2016 - May 2020).

*National averages in parentheses. National statistics are for the most recent data available, representing the class entering Fall 2019 for medicine, optometry, and veterinary, and the class entering Fall 2018 for dental.