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Music Education

Music Education

  • Certificate
  • Certification Post Baccalaureate

The Music Education Program

The music education program prepares students to teach music in Pk-12 settings. Students seeking certification will be prepared through coursework in music technology, orchestration, strings, woodwinds, musical theater, and many others. Students will also take methods courses in the education department, pre-student teach, and student teach in a public-school music classroom. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will certify all candidates in PK-12 music education whom successfully complete this program and pass the required licensure exams.

The music education program offers many opportunities beyond the classroom, such as:

  • Leading and directing area musical performances and programs for learning music
  • Performance and directorships of coordinated educational opportunities in the public or private settings
  • Individual or small group instruction or training in musical instrumentation or vocals

Saint Vincent College offers graduate programs in which all candidates are encouraged to consider upon completion of their teaching degree. Candidates with master's degrees are often offered higher-paying positions and are desired by school districts and other hiring entities.

Curriculum Requirements

  • Music Certification (with B.A. in Music) Requirements

    Total Credits for Music Certification 136-137

    Total Core Curriculum Credits 56
    HI 100 History - 3 credits
    HI 200 History - 3 credits
    PL 101 First Philosophy - 3 credits
    PL 215 or 216 Ethics or Ethical Problems  - 3 credits
    EL 102 Language and Rhetoric  - 3 credits
    EL English Course  - 3 credits
    CL 129 Young Adult Literature  - 3 credits
    TH Theology  - 9 credits
         Intermediate Foreign Language  - 6 credits
         Science and Lab  - 4 credits
         Science and Lab  - 4 credits
    MA 104 Elementary Functions - 3 credits
    ED 115 Educational Psychology - 3 credits
    PY 214 Adolescent Development  - 3 credits 
    ED 100 Foundations of Education  - 3 credits

    Total Credits for Major Courses 43 credits
    MU 108-109 Music History I, II - 6 credits
    MU 205-206 Sight Singing, Ear training and Solfeggio I, II - 6 credits
    MU 208-209 Harmony I, II - 6 credits
    MU 220 - Form and Analysis - 3 credits
    MU 171,175,180,181,182,185 Marching Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Saint Vincent College Singers, Musical Theater Workshop, Opera Workshop, Saint Vincent Camerata - 4 credits
    MU 243 Music Technologies and Digital Orchestration - 3 credits
    MU 244 Woodwind Methods - 1 credit
    MU 245 Brass Methods - 1 credit
    MU 246 String Methods - 1 credit
    MU 247 Percussion Methods - 1 credit 
    MU 248 Keyboard Methods - 1 credit
    MU 249 Vocal and Choral Methods - 1 credit
    MU 325 Primary Instrument Lesson 2 cr. (must take 3 times) - 6 credits
    MU 330 Junior Recital - 1 credit
    MU 345-346 Conducting Music I, II - 2 credits

    Total Credits for Teacher Certification Courses 37-38
    ED 103 Field Experience I  - 1 credit
    ED 142 Math for Teachers - 3 credits
    ED 290 Psychology/Education of the Exceptional Student  - 3 credits
    ED 205 Strategies and Techniques of Instruction - 3 credits
    ED 206 Field Experience II: Strategies and Techniques  - 3 credits
    ED 208 Classroom Partnerships and Inclusion - 3 credits
    ED 220 Reading, Writing and Differentiation in the Content Area  - 3 credits
    ED 310 Teaching of Music K-12 - 3 credits
    ED 322 Field Experience III: Secondary Instruction & Theory  - 1 credit
    ED 390 Teaching Nonnative and Culturally Diverse Students  - 3 credits
    ED 400 Field Experience IV--Pre-Student Teaching - 2 credits
    ED 410 Field Experience V--Student Teaching - 8-9 credits
    ED 411 Professional Seminar - 3 credits

  • Post Baccalaureate Requirements

    Total Credits for Post Baccalaureate Music Certification 104-105

    Total Core Curriculum Credits 25
    HI History - 3 credits
    EL Writing Course  - 3 credits
    EL Literature Course  - 3 credits
         Science and Lab  - 4 credits
    MA 104 Elementary Functions - 3 credits
    ED 115 Educational Psychology - 3 credits
    PY 214 Adolescent Development  - 3 credits 
    ED 100 Foundations of Education  - 3 credits

    Total Credits for Major Courses 42 credits
    MU 108-109 Music History I, II - 6 credits
    MU 205-206 Sight Singing, Ear training and Solfeggio I, II - 6 credits
    MU 208-209 Harmony I, II - 6 credits
    MU 220 - Form and Analysis - 3 credits
    MU 171,175,180,181,182,185 Marching Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Saint Vincent College Singers, Musical Theater Workshop, Opera Workshop, Saint Vincent Camerata - 4 credits
    MU 243 Music Technologies and Digital Orchestration - 3 credits
    MU 244 Woodwind Methods - 1 credit
    MU 245 Brass Methods - 1 credit
    MU 246 String Methods - 1 credit
    MU 247 Percussion Methods - 1 credit 
    MU 248 Keyboard Methods - 1 credit
    MU 249 Vocal and Choral Methods - 1 credit
    MU 325 Primary Instrument Lesson 2 cr. (must take 3 times) - 6 credits
    MU 345-346 Conducting Music I, II - 2 credits

    Total Credits for Teacher Certification Courses 37-38
    ED 103 Field Experience I  - 1 credit
    ED 142 Math for Teachers - 3 credits
    ED 290 Psychology/Education of the Exceptional Student  - 3 credits
    ED 205 Strategies and Techniques of Instruction - 3 credits
    ED 206 Field Experience II: Strategies and Techniques  - 3 credits
    ED 208 Classroom Partnerships and Inclusion - 3 credits
    ED 220 Reading, Writing and Differentiation in the Conent Area  - 3 credits
    ED 310 Teaching of Music K-12 - 3 credits
    ED 322 Field Experience III: Secondary Instruction & Theory  - 1 credit
    ED 390 Teaching Nonnative and Culturally Diverse Students  - 3 credits
    ED 400 Field Experience IV--Pre-Student Teaching - 2 credits
    ED 410 Field Experience V--Student Teaching - 8-9 credits
    ED 411 Professional Seminar - 3 credits

Program Highlights


  • Employment as a public-school certified music educator for grades preK through 12 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Direct and instruct PK-12 school choirs and band ensembles
  • Serve as a music educator for private and public settings