Statement of Benedictine Welcome and Community

In This Section
All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me. — Saint Benedict of Nursia
Saint Vincent College’s Catholic, Benedictine, and liberal arts and sciences mission demands a commitment to inclusive hospitality rooted in the belief that all people share in the dignity of being made in God’s image and likeness, recognizing that every human life is sacred. Our mission to educate and cultivate the minds of our students is enriched by the diversity of our community, and this diversity is supported by our institutional commitment to fostering an equitable and inclusive environment.
As a Benedictine institution, we place a priority on the strength of our community. At Saint Vincent College, our community is strengthened by diversity, understanding, and compassion. We embrace Saint Benedict’s challenge of extending hospitality to all people, regardless of differences, and invite them to become a part of our community of support, growth, and learning. As God seeks to unite all people in Christ, so we seek to instill a real sense of belonging among all those who come to Saint Vincent.
We seek a diverse community to search for the truth that is at the heart of faith and reason. We seek equitable opportunities for all people to reach their full potential. We seek inclusion of all those who desire to join us and to unite themselves to our mission.