Medical Marijuana
In This Section
Purpose: The Medical Marijuana policy is a notification to all individuals on the Saint Vincent campus who have been prescribed medical marijuana. While the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does permit medical marijuana for defined medical conditions, Saint Vincent, in accordance with Federal law, does not permit marijuana on campus under any circumstances.
Under federal law, specifically the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, marijuana in all forms (regardless of medical necessity), is an illegal drug. Saint Vincent must abide by and certify it is in compliance with all federal laws and regulations, to be eligible to receive federal funding, through Title IV in the form of student financial aid (grants, loans, and work study programs), as well as other forms of federal funding. Federal law requires Colleges/Universities to adopt and enforce written policy that bans the possession, storage, or cultivation of marijuana, even for medical purposes, on campus or in connection with college activities. The college is also subject to the Federal Controlled Substance Act, which has marijuana listed as a schedule I drug.
Scope: This policy applies to anyone who has a physical presence on Saint Vincent properties, instructional locations, or at off campus activities and events sponsored by Saint Vincent. This includes students, employees, visitors, contractors, and employees who work for contractors, including food service personnel.
Policy: Marijuana, including medical marijuana, is prohibited on Saint Vincent properties and instructional locations, as well as at college sponsored, conducted, or authorized events and activities held off campus.