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Liberal Arts + Experience

Liberal Arts + Experience

Beyond “A or B”

Many colleges and universities will ask you to choose between option A (professional preparation) or option B (core "liberal arts" learning). Saint Vincent College believes that a better option (A x B) is needed for a changing world.




of Saint Vincent graduates report being employed or furthering their education within one year



Less Try, More Do

We put students in situations where learning comes naturally … from a lively mix of reading, discussing, collaborating and doing.

Think, Write, Speak Well

Learning to speak and write — skills every employer values — comes from learning to think. Core courses help you to:

  1. build strong habits of attention and concentration
  2. follow and make sound arguments
  3. distill new information
  4. grasp new concepts


As a values-based college, we ask young women and men to set aside judgments and prejudices for something more worthy — the ability to form beliefs based not upon outside authority or whim, but upon worthy examination of argument and evidence.

“It is the integration of human and technical skills that will provide the best preparation for the future of work.”

 Source: Robot Ready: Human+ Skills for the Future of Work, Emsi.


“Integrative and applied learning … links knowledge to judgment, and judgment to choices and action. This emphasis takes liberal education out of the ivory tower and into the work of the world.” 

Carol Geary Schneider, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)


Why A+B?


Our alumni report that their Saint Vincent College experience prepared them well for lasting relationships, strong civic engagement, and meaningful work. 


Saint Vincent graduates describe their professional work as stimulating, rewarding, and tell us that they felt prepared for the rigors of graduate and professional degrees.


Studies show that while engineering and STEM graduates from Saint Vincent and elsewhere earn more at first, those with broader exposure to the humanities catch up by mid-career. Our graduates assume leadership roles in all walks of life, and our student loan default rate is less than half the national rate.