Tuition Remission
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Saint Vincent College offers employees and their dependents and spouses the opportunity to continue their education on a reduced cost basis. The Tuition Remission Program is only through Saint Vincent College. This program is not the same as the Tuition Exchange Program.
General Guidelines for All Tuition Remission:
- All Employees that request for tuition remission for themselves or for their dependents or spouse, must complete a tuition remission form each academic year. The form can be found on the Human Resources Portal page.
- All fees, including housing and food, registration, laboratory, activities, special music, art, computer, drama fees, health insurance, and all other special fees are the responsibility of the Employee, Dependent, or Spouse.
- Any credit that is not billed through Saint Vincent College will not be covered by tuition remission.
- To be eligible, a dependent must meet the definition of dependent under the Internal Revenue Code and must supply HR with the prior year filed tax return. According to the IRS, individuals are considered dependents until the age of 24. For the graduate program, Employees must show the last tax return year that the dependent was claimed. The dependent must be listed as a dependent prior to age 18.
- The Tuition Remission Policy will only cover a maximum of one degree and one certificate (with exceptions to certain programs).
There are exceptions to certain programs. Ask Human Resources and see Appendix A for details.
IRS Guidelines 117D (Can be Subject to Change):
All tuition is taxable under the IRS Section 117D.
- Under section 117(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, educational institutions offering a full reduction of tuition charges to employees, their spouse and dependent children for undergraduate coursework may exclude the value of this education from their employee's taxable wages. This exclusion does not extend to graduate coursework. Section 127 of the Code allows the University to provide each employee with up to $5,250 of educational assistance per year on a tax-free basis for both undergraduate and graduate coursework.
- For employees who are at a graduate level, any remission in excess of $5,250 must be added to the employee's taxable wages as a taxable fringe benefit, and employment taxes, including federal income tax, Social Security, and Medicare taxes must be withheld. If an employee is enrolled in a graduate-level program, the cost of all courses taken (including any at an undergraduate level) counts toward the annual exemption limit.
You may need to pay taxes on tuition for the following tax year.
For Employees (Undergraduate and Graduate Programs):
- Full-time employees are eligible for 100% tuition remission for courses taken at Saint Vincent College beginning with the first full term following their date of employment.
- Employees may enroll for up to two courses during each semester on a space available basis. These courses may be taken at the College or the Seminary, at the undergraduate or graduate level, and the employee need not be working toward a specific degree to be eligible. The VP who oversees the Employee’s department may grant an exception.
- Employees seeking a specific degree or certificate must apply and be accepted into the program.
- Employees seeking a graduate degree are not required to complete a FAFSA form.
- Classes must be taken during hours other than the normally scheduled hours of work. The Vice President who oversees the Employee’s department must provide written approval to Human Resources for any other scheduling in advance.
- If the employee voluntarily leaves the employment of Saint Vincent within two years of their hire, the College reserves the right to charge back all, or part of the tuition remitted.
For Dependents and Spouses (Undergraduate Program):
An employee’s dependent and spouse is eligible for a full tuition remission for undergraduate study at Saint Vincent College after the employee has completed two years of full-time service with the College. Beginning October 2021, a temporary waiver exempting the two years of full-time service has been granted for dependents and spouses who qualify for tuition remission only. Until the removal of the waiver is proposed and approved, this waiver will remain in effect.
- Dependents and spouses of the full-time Employee must meet the definition of dependent under the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 152. The dependent must be named a dependent on the employee’s prior year tax return and is no older than the age of 24 to be considered a dependent under the IRS to be eligible for the Tuition Remission program. Proof must be presented to Human Resources each year during class enrollment.
- Tuition remission is available for dependents or spouses who are accepted and enrolled in a degree seeking program at Saint Vincent College or the Seminary. This benefit may be applied to part- time or full-time enrollment at the College. This benefit may be applied to Day, Evening, Spring, Winter, or Summer school courses taken at Saint Vincent College. In all cases, minimum enrollment requirements must be met based upon tuition paying students.
- Beginning the 2020-2021 financial aid year, that includes the 2020 Summer sessions, employees and their dependents seeking an undergraduate degree must file the Free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each academic year by going to For students receiving financial aid the tuition remission will be reduced by ½ of the total value of Federal and State Programs. Any additional SVC departmental scholarships or endowed awards will reduce the remission amount dollar for dollar after $1000. Outside scholarships can be awarded in addition to the Tuition Remission program, and are stackable, however, it cannot exceed the cost of attendance.
- Tuition remission and federal and state program funding shall be limited to the number of credits necessary to obtain a first Bachelor’s Degree. Dependents and spouses can obtain a graduate degree at a discounted rate. Review the Graduate Program section of this Policy for details.
- Certificate programs are eligible for tuition remission benefits.
- To remain eligible for the Tuition Remission, dependents and spouses must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the end of each spring term, as noted on the Financial Aid Portal and in the SVC Bulletin. Students who are dismissed from the College, must be readmitted as matriculated students before they are eligible for any further tuition remission and state funding.
- Regarding dual enrollment, if the class is taught at the high school (or in home) it is not eligible for tuition remission and would be subject to the appropriate per credit fee. If the course is taught at Saint Vincent by College faculty with an enrollment of primarily undergraduates, tuition remission would apply. Dependents or spouses enrolled in undergraduate programs will not be eligible to receive academic merit scholarships awarded during the Admissions process in addition to the tuition remission.
- Tuition remission is not available for those dependents or spouses enrolled at Saint Vincent College who are participating in study abroad unless tuition is being billed through Saint Vincent for the study aboard program. The Dependent will be responsible for all travel expenses, housing, food, and any special fees, aside from the tuition of the study aboard program.
- After ten years of full-time service, tuition remission benefits are extended to the dependents or spouse of a full-time employee who dies or becomes totally disabled during employment with Saint Vincent. After completing ten years of full-time continuous service, tuition remission benefits are available to the dependents of an employee who retires from Saint Vincent and does not seek employment elsewhere. Employee must provide tax return from previous tax years as proof.
- The tuition remission benefit will be carried through the end of the semester in which the employee separates from their employment with Saint Vincent.
For Dependents and Spouses (Graduate Program):
An employee’s dependent and spouse is eligible for a full tuition remission for graduate study at Saint Vincent College after the employee has completed two years of full-time service with the College. Beginning October 2021, a temporary waiver exempting the two years of full-time service has been granted for dependents and spouses who qualify for tuition remission only. Until the removal of the waiver is proposed and approved, this waiver will remain in effect.
- If a successful applicant to one of the Saint Vincent graduate programs is a dependent of a full-time employee, and where they have not previously received any tuition remission from Saint Vincent or any tuition exchange at another university, they will be entitled to 100% tuition remission of their graduate tuition for one graduate program. They will be required to pay all necessary fees in connection with their attendance and completion of the graduate program.
- There are exceptions to certain programs, refer to Appendix A for Excluded Programs.
- Dependents in Graduate program must start the program no later than the age of 26 and finish the program by the age of 30 to qualify for tuition remission.
- If a dependent of a full-time employee has received three or more years of tuition remission assistance for undergraduate study or tuition exchange at another university, they will receive a 35% discount on their Saint Vincent graduate school tuition.
- If a dependent of a full-time employee has received one or two years of tuition remission assistance for undergraduate or tuition exchange at another university, they will receive a 60% discount on their graduate tuition
- This tuition remission program will not involve tuition exchange with other institutions. Tuition exchange is not offered at the graduate level.
- Dependents of full-time employees are eligible for this graduate tuition remission benefit immediately upon the hiring of the employee on a full-time basis. If the employee voluntarily leaves the employment of Saint Vincent within two years of their hire, the College reserves to charge back all or part of the tuition remitted for their dependent or spouse. If the Employee’s last day of employment is past the late drop period for the classes taken, dependent or spouse will have to pay back a portion of the tuition, at a pro-rated amount.
- Minimum enrollment requirements for any course of study will be determined on the basis of tuition paying students.
- This program will become effective as of the Spring Semester 2022. No retroactive adjustments to those enrolled before that semester will occur.
Appendix A: Excluded Programs:
- Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP)
- Aviation flight instruction taken off campus
This list is subject to change. Please reach out to the Human Resources Office for details.