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Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty and Staff


Elaine Bennett Ph.D.


Emily Arledge Ph.D.

Kathleen Beining D.Ed.

Doreen Blandino Ph.D.

Gilbert Bogner Ph.D.

Mr. Greggory Brandt

Lucas Briola Ph.D.

Jennifer Buxton Ph.D.

Thaddeus Coreno Ph.D.

Sean Durkin D.M.A.

Veronica Ent Ed.D.

Melinda Farrington Ph.D.

Devin Fava Ph.D.

Br. Mark Floreanini O.S.B.

Sophia Geng Ph.D

Rabbi James Gibson

Ms. Michelle Gil-Montero

Jessica Harvey Ph.D.

Jessica Jones Ph.D.

Rev. Philip Kanfush O.S.B.

Timothy Kelly Ph.D.

Brandi Klein Ph.D.

Rev. Rene Kollar O.S.B.

Michael Krom Ph.D.

Fr. Matthew Lambert, O.S.B

Sara Lindey Ph.D.

Dennis McDaniel Ph.D.

Christopher McMahon Ph.D.

Tracy McNelly D.Ed.

Eric Mohr Ph.D.

Stacie Nowikowski D.Ed.

Christopher Oldenburg Ph.D.

Mr. J. Christopher Pardini

Catherine Petrany Ph.D.

Jeannine Pitas Ph.D.

Mark Rivardo Ph.D.

Juan-Carlos Rivas Ph.D.

William Rullo Ed.D.

Mr. David Safin

Aaron Sams Ph.D.

Mr. Ben Schachter

Patricia Sharbaugh Ph.D.

Rev. Paul-Alexander Shutt O.S.B.

Susan Sommers Ph.D.

Eugene Torisky Ph.D.

Ms. Mallory Truckenmiller-Saylor

Dawn Turkovich D.Ed.

Carl Vater Ph.D.

Ms. Laura Knoop Very

Mary Beth Yount Ph.D.

Professors Emeritus:

Rev. Wulfstan Clough, O.S.B., B.A., M.A., Ph.D. - Emeritus Professor of English

Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B., B.S., S.T.L. - Emeritus Professor of Theology

George H. Leiner, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. - Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Arts

Justin Nolan, O.S.B., B.A., M.Div., Ph.L., Ph.D. - Emeritus Professor of Philosophy

Phyllis Riddle, B.A., M.A., M.S., Ph.D. - Emeritus Professor of Sociology

Chrysostom V. Schlimm, O.S.B., B.A., M.Div., M.A., M.L.S. - Emeritus Professor of Languages, Special Collections Librarian

Ronald E. Tranquilla, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. - Emeritus Professor of English

Susan Walker, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. - Emeritus Professor of Psychology


Emily Barth, Ph.D. -Assistant Director of Collections; Curator, The Foster and Muriel McCarl Coverlet Gallery

Greggory Brandt - Director of Theatre

Andrew Juto - Director of the Verostko Center for the Arts; Curator, Saint Vincent Art & Heritage Collections

Marsha Kush - Administrative Assistant, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Joan Roach - Secretary, Department of Education