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New York Times Features SVC English Professor, Alumna

New York Times Features SVC English Professor, Alumna

by Public Relations | April 15, 2021

By Julia Snyder, senior English major from Murrysville, Pennsylvania

LATROBE, PA – The New York Times recently featured the work of Michelle Gil-Montero, Saint Vincent College professor of English, and 2013 Saint Vincent College graduate Stephanie Murray, who majored in English and economics.

Michelle Gil-MonteroA review of Gil-Montero’s most recent literary translation, “Edinburgh Notebook” by Valerie Mejer Caso, appeared on March 24, while Murray’s own article, “My 3-Year-Old Can Tell I’m Depressed,” appeared on April 9.

The review, titled “In a Sister’s Elegies, Proof That the Art of Losing Can Bring Comfort,” compares Gil-Montero’s translation to other books about grief.

“It’s fitting, in a way, to read about grief in translation – it forces us to contemplate the difficulty of finding original expression,” wrote reviewer Elisa Gabbert. “Without the overfamiliar words, the pain is still familiar.”

While Gil-Montero’s translation helps grief find poetic expression, Murray’s article explains how depression in parents can affect children.

Stephanie Murray, C'13

“I have struggled with depression on and off since my teens,” wrote Murray, “and it seems to run in my family, so I always knew I’d have to educate my daughter about mental health eventually."

Murray’s article presents expert advice for parents dealing with depression, addressing how they can discuss depression with their kids and reassure them that everything will be OK.

The New York Times is only the most recent of many publications to feature Murray’s work. She has published more than 75 articles on a variety of topics, with her work appearing in such national outlets as The Guardian and The Washington Post.


PHOTO 1: Saint Vincent College professor of English Michelle Gil-Montero delivers remarks after being recognized with the College’s Projektenmacher Award at the 2020 Founder’s Day Honors Convocation in the historic Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica.


PHOTO 2: Stephanie Murray, C’13


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