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2022 Spring Celebration of the Arts to Conclude with Music at Midday and Poetry Reading

2022 Spring Celebration of the Arts to Conclude with Music at Midday and Poetry Reading

by Public Relations | April 05, 2022

LATROBE, PA – Saint Vincent completes its 2022 Spring Celebration of the Arts with two events on Wednesday, April 6th. As part of its latest installment in its Music at Midday series, Saint Vincent College is sponsoring an organ recital offered by Reverend Cyprian Constantine, O.S.B., on Wednesday, April 6th at 1:00 p.m. in the historic Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica. Father Constantine will perform a suite of compositions written for liturgy. The concert is free and open to the public with no reservations required.

A collaboration between the Saint Vincent College Concert Series and the Verostko Center, Music at Midday is a monthly concert featuring regional talent representative of a variety of musical genres. Patrons are invited to stream the concert online at if unable to attend in person.

The final event in Saint Vincent’s 2022 Spring Celebration of the Arts is sponsored by the College’s Visiting Writers Series. The public is invited to a poetry reading offered by Dan Rosenberg, Ph.D., and the Ragan Poetry Contest winners on April 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the Verostko Center for the Arts.

Rosenberg is the author of “Bassinet” (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2022), “cadabra” (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2015) and “The Crushing Organ” (Dream Horse Press, 2012). He has also written two chapbooks, “Thigh’s Hollow” (Omnidawn, 2015) and “A Thread of Hands” (Tilt Press, 2010). Rosenberg co-translated Miklavž Komelj’s “Hippodrome” (Zephyr Press, 2016). His work has won the American Poetry Book Prize and the Omnidawn Poetry Chapbook Contest. He holds a B.A. from Tufts University, a M.F.A. from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Rosenberg serves as the chair of the English department at Wells College in Aurora, New York.

The Verostko Center is located on the second floor of the Dale P. Latimer Library. Both events are free and open to the public. Tickets or reservations are not required. 

Based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and considering encouraging local COVID-19 trends, the College has recently adopted a mask-optional policy for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Therefore, visitors to the College are invited to wear masks based on one’s personal level of risk. Should the CDC determine that the rate of transmission in Westmoreland County increases above LOW, mitigating measures may be re-implemented at the discretion of the College. For the latest information about these protocols, please visit 





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Saint Vincent College 

