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SVC Mock Trial team places first at St. Bonaventure tournament

SVC Mock Trial team places first at St. Bonaventure tournament

by Public Relations | November 18, 2022
LATROBE, PA – The Saint Vincent Mock Trial team won the Saint Bonaventure tournament in Olean, New York, on November 4th. An extracurricular activity available to students, Mock Trial simulates a fake trial compiled by the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA).
Mock trial is an extracurricular activity available to the students at Saint Vincent through whichstudents simulate a fake trial compiled by the AMTA. For the trial, the students act as both theattorney and witnesses for the plaintiff and the defense.
This year’s case focused on the Estate of Morgan Felder vs. Koller-Campbell Air LLC, bringing with it the charge of negligence. In this case, Ari Felder, the wife of the deceased Morgan Felder,is suing Koller-Campbell Air LLC, an all-purpose flight company, for the death of Morgan in a plane crash caused by one of the company’s owners. As the plaintiff, Saint Vincent argued that Reese Campbell, the owner of Koller-Campbell Air who flew the plane that crashed, acted negligently. As the defense, the team argued that a medical emergency caused Reese Campell to crash the plane. The team used both arguments in their rounds at the Saint Bonaventure tournament.
At the tournament, 13 teams competed including SUNY Geneseo, St. John Fisher University, University of Buffalo A, University of Buffalo B, Brandeis University A, Brandeis University B, Utica University, SUNY Fredonia, Trinity College, Ithaca College, St. Bonaventure A, and St. Bonaventure B. With four rounds of competition, SVC squared off as the plaintiff against St. Bonaventure B and the University of Buffalo B and as the defense against St. Bonaventure A and SUNY Geneseo.
SVC came away with four victoriesthe only team to go undefeated during the tournament securing first place overall. Allie Gray, sophomore psychology major, was awarded the Outstanding Witness Award, and Rebekah Bollman, sophomore criminology major, was awarded the Outstanding Attorney Award.
The Saint Vincent Mock Trial Team is made up of 10 student participants, two team coaches and several volunteers. The student team members include:
Alicia Boretti, freshman political science major
Matthew Thomas, freshman political science major
Adrian Lee, freshman criminology, law and society major
Allie Gray, sophomore psychology major
Ashton Norton, sophomore psychology major
Rebekah Bollman, sophomore criminology, law and society major
Matthew Grimsley, junior business major
Delaney Fox, junior political science major
Peyton Norton, senior criminology, law and society major
Noah Spyra, senior political science major
Coaches include Michael Arabia, adjunct professor of business for the McKenna School, and George Miller, adjunct lecturer of business administration for the McKenna School, with volunteer assistants Heidi and Gregg Newton.
“Mock trial is more than just pulling a case together. It’s about building relationships, working together and having fun,” said Payton Norton, senior criminology major. This has been a special season thus far for the group.
Delaney Fox also commented on the close-knit group and the hard work they put into preparing for the tournament. “We have really bonded like a family through hours of hard work, dedication, theorizing and fun, of course. It’s amazing to see those efforts be rewarded.
The Mock Trial team will compete in the Regional Tournament in February 2023.