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What Happens Once Saint Vincent Receives a Report

Reports of Prohibited Conduct

All reports of prohibited conduct are funneled to the Title IX Office.  Once a report is received by the Title IX Coordinator, the person who experienced the prohibited conduct will receive an email from the Title IX Coordinator inviting them to meet to discuss anything they are comfortable sharing about their experience, learn about resources available to them, and what resolutions may be available to them from the College.

Reporting Q&A

Do I have to meet with the Title IX Coordinator?

No, the choice to meet with the Title IX Coordinator is up to the affected party.  The outreach that is provided by the Title IX Coordinator does provide information about resources on and off campus that are confidential, should the affected party wish to speak with someone who is confidential.

Does a report to the Title IX Coordinator mean that an investigation happens?

A report to Saint Vincent does not automatically initiate an investigation.  In most cases, the affected party decides if they would want to go through one of the College’s resolution processes.  The affected party can choose to have a formal investigation and hearing, use an informal resolution, or request that nothing be done at that time.  These options are explained in detail by the Title IX Coordinator during the meeting with the affected party. 

What else happens at this meeting with the Title IX Coordinator?

The Title IX Coordinator talks with the affected party about what they need at that time to feel safe on campus and to continue to access classes and other activities on campus.  For example, if someone who has been affected by prohibited conduct shares a class or lives across the hall from the person who perpetrated the prohibited conduct, the Title IX Coordinator facilitates modifications to courses or housing assignments based on what the affected party needs at that time.  These modifications are referred to as supportive measures, and there are individualized services, accommodations, and other assistance that the College offers to any student or employee and may be put into place without a fee or charge.

Do I have to go through a resolution process with the College to get supportive measures?

No, supportive measures are available regardless of what resolution option, including no resolution process, the affected party decides to initiate.


Process Snapshot

The chart below provides a snapshot of what happens once a report is received by the Title IX Coordinator. Click here to download a PDF of this chart.

Chart showing what happens once a report is received.