Academic Honesty
In This Section
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academics
Saint Vincent College assumes that all students come for a serious purpose and expects them to be responsible individuals who demand of themselves high standards of honesty and personal conduct. Therefore, it is college policy to have as few rules and regulations as are consistent with efficient administration and general welfare.
Fundamental to the principle of independent learning and professional growth is the requirement of honesty and integrity in the performance of academic assignments, both in the classroom and outside, and in the conduct of personal life. Accordingly, Saint Vincent College holds its students to the highest standards of intellectual integrity and thus the attempt of any student to present as his or her own work which he or she has not performed or to pass any examinations by improper means is regarded by the faculty as a most serious offense.
In any case of academic dishonesty, the faculty member together with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, who confers with the student, decide on the appropriate sanction. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, possible sanctions are failure for the assignment, failure for the course, suspension, or expulsion. If a student receives the sanction of a failure for the course during the withdrawal period and drops the course, a WF will be recorded on the transcript.
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund