Grade Appeals
In This Section
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academics
The instructor has jurisdiction in determining grades; however, the student has the right to appeal a final grade that the student believes to be in error. The appeal process may involve the following:
- The student confers with the instructor involved.
- The student and instructor (preferably together) confer with the chairperson of the department.
- The student and instructor (preferably together) confer with the Dean of the School to which the department is attached.
- In rare cases, when the foregoing steps do not resolve the issue, the student may initiate a formal written appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Normally, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward such appeal to the appropriate committee for its review and recommendation. A formal appeal should not be entered upon lightly by a student, nor lightly, dismissed by an instructor. A formal written grade appeal may be made no later than the fourth week of the following semester.
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund