Repetition of Courses
In This Section
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academics
A student may repeat a course in which a C-, 1.70 or lower has been earned if the student registers for the same course number a second time. The last grade shall replace the first in computing the grade point average even if the second grade is lower. The previous grade received is not removed from the transcript, but noted as a repeat. Only the credits earned in the repeated courses count toward graduation.
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Progress, Academic Warning, and Academic Dismissal
- Annual Department Report
- Attendance
- Change of Major or Minor
- Grade Appeals
- Graduate Course Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Independent Study
- Records Policy and Directory Information
- Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Repetition of Courses
- Satisfactory Academic Progress and Title IV
- Student Concerns Regarding Academic Matters
- Transfer of Credit
- Withdrawals and Title IV Refund