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Absence from Class and Make-Up Exams  

Attendance is expected in all courses. Absences are strongly discouraged because they are detrimental to the successful completion of a course. Absences, as well as make-up exams, are handled at the discretion of the individual faculty member. Instructors may choose to consider attendance in assigning grades. For the attendance policy and penalties for absence or lateness in a particular course, consult the instructor.  

Excused Absences for participation in Intercollegiate Sports and Other College Activities  

The College officially sponsors the following intercollegiate sports: cross country, swimming, football, volleyball, track, lacrosse, baseball, golf, basketball, soccer, softball, tennis, and bowling. Before deciding to participate in a sport which necessitates absence from class, the student should carefully weigh the consequences of absences—even though officially excused— upon academic performance. Absences from class for participation in events in these sports will be considered excused absences provided proper procedures are followed. Although an excused absence will not be counted by the professor as a class missed, it does not relieve the student from the responsibility of learning course material. An excused absence simply means that the absence will not be counted by the professor as a missed class cut. Furthermore, any absence prevents a student from participating fully in the “process” of a course.  

If a student determines that participation in athletics seriously interferes with academic performance, the student would be well advised not to participate. When planning registration, athletes should consult game schedules so that no more than four class sessions will be missed for intercollegiate competition. The student should rely heavily on the judgment of the professor and faculty advisor in cases where athletic participation appears to be jeopardizing academic progress. If a student’s grade point average falls below the required minimum as stated in the Academic Warning System section, the student is prevented by College policy from participating in intercollegiate sports.  

As soon as a student is placed on the official roster, the student will inform each professor regarding participation in an intercollegiate sport, and will provide a schedule of games which may conflict with the class schedule. The student will make provisions for make-up exams and the like in advance of the examination date so that the student is not penalized for the excused absence.  

For each absence, the student will present an official excuse signed by the coach for the particular game which necessitates the absence. The policy and procedures outlined are for official intercollegiate sports.  

Excused Absences for Commuter Students Due to Inclement Weather  

Commuter students should exercise good judgment about driving to campus for classes during inclement weather. If a student determines that travel conditions are hazardous, she/he should remain at home. However, the student must notify the instructor in advance of the scheduled class meeting.