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Deely/Maritain Lecture Series to Feature Dr. Farouk Seif

Deely/Maritain Lecture Series to Feature Dr. Farouk Seif

by Public Relations | February 26, 2020

LATROBE, PA – Dr. Farouk Seif will offer the third annual John Deely/Jacques Maritain Lecture at Saint Vincent College at 4 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, in the Luparello Lecture Hall in the Sis and Herman Dupré Science Pavilion on the Saint Vincent College campus.

047-farouk_seif.jpegSeif’s lecture, entitled “De-sign: The Mutual Fulfillment of God and Humans,” is free and open to the public. Reservations will be accepted through March 16 by phone at 724-805-2725 or email at

A registered architect, Seif is professor emeritus at Antioch University in Seattle, Washington, as well as past president and former executive director of the Semiotic Society of America, a Fellow of the International Communicology Institute, and member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, the International Society for Systems Sciences and the American Institute of Architects. 

Seif’s main interests are design and semiotics for social and cultural change. He has taught design, creative thinking and visual communication at universities and conferences across the U.S. and in more than a dozen countries including Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Hungary and Turkey, and was named a Fulbright Specialist in 2010, teaching at the University of Sofia in Bulgaria.

Seif has authored more than 50 articles and a dozen book chapters. His latest book, “De-sign in the Transmodern World: Envisioning Reality Beyond Absoluteness,” was released in October. It integrates design and sign by revealing the mutual reciprocities between design and semiotics, bridging the gap between humanities and sciences.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt, while earning a master’s in architecture from Kent State University and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington.

Seif’s lecture is presented by the Deely Project, a Saint Vincent College initiative aimed at promoting the College globally as home of the legacy of the late John Deely, former SVC professor and Philosopher-in-Residence, renowned semiotician, three-time Fulbright Scholar and author of more than 30 books and 200 articles. The lecture series is named in honor of Deely and Jacques Maritain, one of the leading philosophical figures and Thomists of the 20th century and an individual who had a profound influence on Deely’s personal and professional life.

Along with the Deely/Maritain Lecture Series, other elements of the Deely Project include the new John Deely Reading Room in the Dale P. Latimer Library as well as an endowed John Deely/Jacques Maritain Academic Chair. A space for scholarly reading, consultation and discussion, the Reading Room features selected books and artifacts from the Deely archive. The Endowed Chair will continue to encourage a semiotic perspective of scholarship at Saint Vincent, continue research along the lines pioneered by Deely and Maritain, nurture faculty-student interplay in academic programs across multiple disciplines and promote SVC at nationwide academic conferences and in professional publications.

For more information on the Deely Project and the Deely/Maritain Lecture Series, visit



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