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Campus Events - Decorations


I.  Scope and Purpose

All groups utilizing campus space are permitted to decorate. To preserve the integrity and safety of each space, decorations must abide by the following limitations.

II. Detailed Procedures

  1. Any department or group requiring decorations for an event is responsible for purchasing and arranging the decorations. Fresh floral centerpieces and specialty linens may be ordered through Event and Conference Services. 
    1. Most facilities on campus may not have anything taped, stapled, nailed or otherwise affixed to the walls.
    2. Decorations that require flame or water must be approved by the Event and Conference Services Office.
    3. All decorations must be removed by the sponsoring organization immediately following the event. Failure to do so will result in the items being discarded.
    4. No glitter, confetti, sand or water-filled items may be used in indoor facilities.
    5. No tables or decorations may block any marked fire exit doors.
  2. Upon conclusion of an event, facilities will be inspected for damages and/or excessive cleaning needs. Any department or organization that leaves a facility in poor condition may be subject to service fees as determined by Event and Conference Services or the Facility Management Office.

Date Created: June 2, 2009

Date Effective: July 15, 2009