Van Use
In This Section
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use
- Campus and Student Life
I. Scope and Purpose
Saint Vincent College has three 7-passenger mini vans and two 12-passenger vans available in its fleet for rent by campus groups and events.
- Vans are available for official business and College purposes only, with use directly related to academic, athletic, departmental, and student organizational activities of the College.
- Examples of authorized travel include athletic team travel, faculty sponsored field trips, and official club and department outings and other trips that have been entered and approved through the Campus Facilities Calendar.
- Use of vans by athletic teams of the College must be approved by the head coach. Use for any other College purpose must be approved prior to submitting a reservation by a Director/Coordinator so-designated by the Student Affairs and/or Academic Affairs offices.
- Reservations must be submitted no less than 72 hours in advance of the van trip once approval has been Exceptions to this provision will be granted by the Director of Event and Conference Services only when the need for the trip did not arise in sufficient time to permit the 72 hour advance notice requirement.
- Vehicles cannot be used:
- for commuting, personal trips or personal errands;
- to transport passengers, such as hitchhikers, family or friends, who are not on official College business;
- for 'side' trips, e. use of the vehicle to visit friends while attending a conference.
- Van drivers may not consume any alcohol or drugs on the day(s) of their operation of the vehicles. Van passengers shall not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the scheduled trip.
- Violations of this policy will be referred to the relevant disciplinary office on campus for review and imposition of appropriate sanctions.
II. Detailed Procedures
- General
- Vans are not handicapped accessible.
- There will be no transportation to the hospital or medical facilities in SVC vans due to liability unless authorized by a member of the Residence Staff designated by the Office of Student Affairs.
- Van trips in the 12-passenger vans with passengers who are minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by at least two adults over the age of 25, and the trip distance must be limited to a 10-mile radius of the College.
- Van trips may only be made within a 100-mile radius of the College for student drivers and a 200-mile radius for vans operated by faculty/administrators. Any deviation from this policy will be subject to the additional approval by the Director of Event and Conference Services.
- Overnight trips may be authorized by the Director of Events and Conferences upon a showing of need and adequate assurance that the vans will be kept in a safe location until return to campus.
- In consultation with the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Event and Conference Services, the otherwise approved student use of any van may be cancelled by the Vice President for Student Affairs on the basis that the use of such van would endanger Saint Vincent students and personnel.
- All vans must be filled with gas prior to their return to campus. A gas card, usable ONLY at BP gas stations, will be included in the van binder and must be returned with the receipt when van is returned. A $25 fee may be assessed if the van is not returned with a full tank of gas.
- Drivers
- Only the certified van driver is able to pick up the folder and keys.Only the certified van driver is able to pick up the folder and keys.
- Arranging for a certified van driver is the requestor’s responsibility.
- Only SVC employees, students, seminarians, and volunteers can apply for van certification. The Director of Public Safety may revoke the driving privileges of any otherwise certified van driver for violations of this policy, the failure to maintain a valid driver’s license or documented instances of bad or erratic driving.
- Certification
- Only individuals certified by the Public Safety Office may drive a van. All persons seeking certification must schedule an appointment with Public Safety well in advance of the date of their intended operation of a van.
- A license check is required before a driver may become certified. These checks may take up to 3-4 weeks, sometimes longer for those who reside outside of Pennsylvania.
- Certification to operate a 12-passenger van requires successful completion of the van familiarization driving test. This includes a computer and a driving test that will be scheduled and issued by the Public Safety office. No one under 21 years of age may become certified to drive a 12-passenger van. Cost of 12-passenger van certification is $14 per driver.
- Minivan drivers must be 19 years of age or older, have had a license for at least 2 years, and have a clean driving record.
- The requesting department will be charged mileage for each 12-passenger van familiarization driving test.
- Once certified, students will remain as qualified van drivers until their graduation. If a graduated student returns for continuing or graduate education, or as SVC staff or volunteer, they must become recertified. Administrative staff will remain certified until termination of employment with SVC.
- Pick Up/Return
- Van folders and keys may be picked-up/dropped-off at the Entrance Booth. Drivers must enter the Entrance Booth to pick up/drop off van folders. Folders will not be distributed to drivers through the window.
- hen picking up and returning a van, the driver is responsible to complete all necessary paperwork, including beginning and ending mileage, department name and account number, driver’s name and cell phone number. Driver should confirm that the correct destination and time reserved are correct. Failure to complete the paperwork may result in a $25 fee.
- By picking up keys for the van, the driver is affirming that he/she remains certified to operate the vehicle and that they continue to hold a valid driver’s license.
- E-Z Pass Unit
- Drivers requesting the use of the E-Z Pass will be required to complete the sign out form prior to receiving the unit(s).
- If the E-Z Pass transponder is not returned, the responsible department will be charged a $75 replacement fee plus the charges for any additional use after the loss of the unit.
- Reporting
- Drivers are required to check the van each time they pick up and return it for damages. Any damages must be reported immediately to the Office of Public Safety.
- Accidents do happen and in order for the problem to be corrected, accidents must be reported immediately with as much information about any damages to the vans as possible for insurance reasons. Damages not covered by College insurance will be paid by the Department or entity from the school authorized to use the van on the occasion of damage. The College reserves the right to seek reimbursement for costs of repairing any damage to a van from any person who has caused such damage by any reckless or intentional act.
- Failure to report any damage to a van may, in addition to other sanctions, result in the suspension of van privileges for the department or entity responsible.
- Charges
- Monthly van bills will be generated based on completed van logs and emailed to the responsible department at the beginning of each month. Interdepartmental charges are automatically transferred.
- The per mile charge for van use will be set by the Business Office for each academic year.
- If the E-Z Pass was used, the charges will automatically appear on the bill.
- If a van is returned in condition that it must be cleaned by Event and Conference Services or a professional detailer, the responsible department will be automatically charged for these services. The minimum charge for such cleaning will be $25.
- Rules
- No smoking or tobacco use is permitted in any van.
- All passengers must wear their seatbelt.
- No alcohol may be consumed or transported in any van.
- Drivers must obey the speed limit and all other traffic regulations.
- Drivers must lock all doors when leaving the van.
- The van must be kept clean.
- Drivers must back the vans into the designated spaces.
- Saint Vincent College Emergency Procedures must be followed.
- Emergency Procedures
- In case of mechanical failure or an accident, please contact: During regular business hours (8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday) the Event and Conference Services Office at (724)532-5030.
- After regular business hours or on the weekends, the Saint Vincent College switchboard at (724) 532-6600 and for one of the following individuals: Director of Event and Conference Services, Director of Public Safety, or Moderator On Call.
- Mechanical Failure
- If you experience a malfunction or mechanical failure while operating the van, drive to the nearest safe telephone and call one of the above numbers. If you are unable to drive the van, walk with a partner to the nearest safe phone. DO NOT WALK ALONE. Remaining passengers should stay in the van with doors locked until help arrives.
- Accident
- Stay calm.
- Prevent additional accidents. Warn oncoming traffic of the accident ahead.
- Call 911. If unable to leave scene, flag down another car and have them call for you. There is a card in the Vehicle Accident Report Kit that you can complete with pertinent information and give to the person who will be calling for you.
- Help the injured. Remember to not move the injured passengers because this could do more harm than good. Wait for the ambulance to arrive.
- Complete Accident Report Kit (inside binder). It is important to gather proper information at the scene of an accident. Please fill out the accident scene card. Take down names, phone numbers and addresses of all witnesses.Photograph the van and other vehicles involved if possible. This information is important to you and the college for legal reasons.
- Call Saint Vincent College as soon as possible. We understand you just had an accident, but we need to know ASAP so we can make the proper arrangements for alternate transportation and to inform the appropriate people.
- While you should cooperate with law enforcement officials who may be summoned to the scene, please remember that any statements you make may, in addition to proving evidence against you in a civil or criminal matter, also be used against Saint Vincent College. Accordingly, be careful in making any statements and do not sign any documents without consulting with College officials.
- Documentation
- In each van binder there is a copy of emissions, registration, vehicle accident reporting form, and insurance card.
- Originals are housed in the Event and Conference Services Department.
Date Created: June 12, 2009
Updated: July 3rd, 2024
Date Effective: June 12, 2009
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use