Dining On Campus
In This Section
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use
- Campus and Student Life
These policies have been established to create the best atmosphere and lowest cost for everyone at Saint Vincent College. Your cooperation and suggestions are appreciated.
- Present your ID card at the entrance of the Community Center. Your ID card may be presented as a form of payment or for meal swaps at the Shack and Barista.
- Do not allow anyone else to use your ID card.
- Please take one entree at a time and, if you wish, return for seconds.
- While dining, keep your table clean for others who follow.
- Return your tray and all items to the dish room windows.
Offensive behavior, including but not limited to harassment, name-calling, degrading language, remarks or “jokes”, and throwing of food will not be tolerated. Students who misbehave in the Community Center, Shack or Barista or who mistreat Dining Services employees or others in these facilities may be subject to discipline in accordance with College policies and procedures.
See Campus Conduct for more information.
Missed Meals
- From long experience, Dining Services knows that some meals will be missed by every student. Students may go home, or they may attend various social functions off-campus. Meal average is an important consideration for the college to determine the number of board plans. If, for example, these missed meals were not taken into consideration, meal plans would cost substantially more than your present plan. No credit will be given for missed meals.
- Box lunches are available to students on a meal plan whose schedule prevents them from eating a certain meal. Arrangements can be made by contacting the dining service office at x4598. Please allow a 24-hour advance notice.
- Students who are ill and unable to attend a meal can have a meal picked up by a friend. All that is needed is written permission from a prefect or residence hall director and the student's ID card.
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use