Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
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(Sexual harassment, sexual violence, sex discrimination, stalking, and domestic/dating violence are handled by separate policies and procedures in accordance with federal Title IX regulations. Please see the College’s Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy for more information.)
Harassment is prohibited. Harassment is conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive campus, educational and/or work environment for any person or group of people; or, conduct that threatens, intimidates, humiliates or otherwise causes psychological or physical harm to another.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the use of profane or threatening language; prank phone calls; actions, language, gestures, remarks, slurs, or jokes that degrade another on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or membership in a protected class; unwanted physical contact; violations of an ongoing “No Contact” order/sanction; inappropriate or offensive language, gestures, displays or activity of a sexual nature. “Language” as used in this section includes but is not limited to, the posting of any matter on a social network site or other internet location.
Students who experience an act of harassment should contact the Office of Student Affairs. Where the harassment may fall under the College’s Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policy, students may report online, by contacting the Title IX Office (titleix@stvincent.edu), or by other means outlined here. Student reports of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct may be made anonymously.
Saint Vincent College will not tolerate acts of discrimination against anyone on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or membership in a protected class, whether or not those acts constitute “Harassment” as defined above. Any conduct including, but not limited to, speech or the posting of any material on sites available to the public or any portion thereof which is motivated by prejudice against any person on the above bases is prohibited. The full text of the College’s non-discrimination notice is available here.
Any individual who is aware of such conduct must report it to the Office of Student Affairs.
Pennsylvania law and Saint Vincent College prohibit hazing and provide serious penalties for violators. State and federal law also mandates institutional enforcement of anti-hazing policies and requires semi-annual reports on the College’s website.
Hazing is broadly defined as any form of abusive conduct intentionally or recklessly directed toward an individual in connection with their initiation to or continued affiliation with any organization. A full definition may be found in Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Code, §2802.
Hazing occurs whether or not the participant engaged in the activity willingly.
Hazing of any kind is strictly prohibited by Saint Vincent College.
If you or anyone you know has or is experiencing any form of hazing, you are to contact Saint Vincent’s Office of Public Safety at 724-805-2311 or publicsafety@stvincent.edu or use the anonymous Campus Safety Concern Reporting Form. Reports can also be made to the Dean of Students.
Other Offensive Behavior
Other behaviors not permitted include those which are identified as demeaning, belittling, intolerant, or otherwise offensive.
Physical Contact/Use of Force
Physical contact/use of force against any person will not be tolerated.
Students and employees of the College are entitled to be free of intimidation and fear of the threat of physical contact or the use of force. This policy includes intimidation where the offender causes apprehension of harm.
Reporting of Threats and Other Behavioral Concerns
Any behavior that causes concern, including threatening remarks or overt acts of physical violence against self or another person(s) or property should be reported immediately to the Office of Public Safety and/or Office of Student Affairs.
Other behavioral concerns should also be reported to the Office of Public Safety and/or Office of Student Affairs. Reports can be made using the online reporting form.
Any student who, in the judgment of the Dean of Students, is potentially harmful to himself or herself and/or others, or whose behavior is alleged to be criminal and may be considered detrimental to the College community or to the reputation of the College, may be asked to leave the Residence Halls and reside off campus on a temporary or permanent basis. In order to ensure the welfare of the student as well as the entire College community, a student may also be dismissed temporarily or permanently from the College. Re-entry to the residence halls and College will be dependent on whether the individual has been compliant with the medical or other directives required by the Dean of Students in consultation with the Wellness Center staff (if appropriate). Specific documentation from physicians, counselors, and other medical and mental health professionals may be required before admission or reentry into the residence halls or College.
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
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- Behavioral Concerns
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- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
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- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use
Campus and Student Life
- Acceptable Use - Computer Network
- Air Conditioners
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals on Campus
- Behavioral Concerns
- Campus Events - Alcohol
- Campus Events - Decorations
- Campus Events - General
- Campus Events - Insurance for External Groups
- Campus Events - Movies
- Campus Events - Safety and Security
- Changing Residence Halls or Rooms
- Conduct On Campus
- Dining On Campus
- External In-Kind Facility Use
- Facility Reservation
- Fire Safety and Regulations
- Firearms and Other Weapons, Dangerous Materials, and Pyrotechnics
- Guests, Limited Access and Visitation
- Medical Marijuana
- Harassment – Hazing – Physical Contact/Use of Force – Reporting of Threats/Concerns
- Immunizations
- Off-Campus Conduct
- Poster and Chalking
- Recording and Other Electronic Devices
- Residence Hall Stewardship
- Residency
- Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Social Media
- Smoking and Vaping – Residence Halls
- Sports Equipment
- Student Club and Organization Trip
- Student Housing
- Van Use