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Campus Events - Safety and Security

  1. Scope and Purpose
  2. All events are subject to state and federal laws, Saint Vincent College’s rules, regulations and policies as set forth in the Student Handbook, and the following guidlines. It is the sponsoring department tor organization’s responsibility to ensure that the event and its attendees are in compliance with these requirements.
  3. Detailed Procedures
    1. Drugs
      1. Use or possession of any illegal drug is strictly prohibited.
    2. Emergency Procedures
      1. In the event that an emergency occurs on campus, compliance with the instructions of the Public Safety Department and/or Saint Vincent Fire Department is mandatory.
      2. Buildings must be evacuated when a fire alarm sounds unless prior notification of a test has been made. All evacuees are to remain outside the building until they are instructed to return by the Public Safety Department or the saint Vincent Fire Department.
    3. Event Security
      1. If it is determined that an event poses a security concern due to the size or nature of the event, the sponsoring organization will be responsible for the costs incurred to schedule additional Public Safety officers or to hire outside security for the event.
      2. Event and Conference Services will coordinate a meeting between the user, the Public Safety Department and the Saint Vincent Fire Department to discuss details and make arrangements for added security or safety personnel.
      3. The organization may be required to complete an Event Security Checklist provided by the Director of Public Safety.

Date Created: June 2, 2009
Date Effective: July 15, 2009