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Student Club and Organization Trip

  1. All student club or organization trips off campus are to be reported through the Campus Life Office, with the necessary paperwork provided prior to the trip, including a full itinerary.
  2. Official school representatives (chaperones) may be required for the trip, per the following general guidelines. Please note these requirements may be modified based on destination and itinerary.
  • All overnight student club or organization trips should have one school representative for every 15 students.
  • Day trips within 100 miles of Saint Vincent College and with under 30 students participating may not require a school representative present on the trip, but do require an on-call school representative located within the 100 mile radius of the trip available to provide guidance for emergency situations.
  • Day trips with more than 30 students should have one school representative for every 25 students, or two per bus.
If Clubs and Organizations do not follow the Off Campus Trip Policy, they have the possibility of being fined or losing partial club funding. Any Questions: Contact Campus Life, Campus Life Hallway, Carey Center – x 2564